
Mar 13, 2015

MARCH 15th - ICSA Annual Conference early registration deadline date - Register now!


Registration Form

ICSA's 2015 Annual International Conference will be conducted jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal and Hjälpkällan (Help Source - a support organization for people leaving closed religious movements) in Stockholm, Sweden June 25-27, 2015 (preconference workshops on Wednesday June 24th).  This year's theme is Children in High-Control Groups. There will be a series of sessions on the conference theme as well presentations relevant to the needs of mental health professionals, former members, researchers, families, and others.
The conference will take place at the Ariadne Scandic Hotel in Stockholm.  Address: Södra Kajen 37, SE-115 41 Stockholm, Sweden. Reservations:  Call +46 8 517 386 52 or +46 8 517 386 05.  Or e-mail:  Give the following booking code to obtain the conference rate of 1220 SEK (single) and 1320 SEK (double):  35350101.  The rate includes a full buffet breakfast.
You can register online and obtain details on accommodations, sessions, transportation, and other matters on ICSA's annual conference home page:
ICSA members receive a discount; nonmembers receive an ICSA web membership with their registration. Speakers registered for three days receive an additional discount, if they register before the March 15th discount deadline.
If you don't have access to the Web and want lodging and other information, please contact us (PH: 239-514-3081; Fax: 305-393-8193;; PO Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 34133, USA).

The program will be varied, with numerous sessions pertinent to former members of cultic groups, families, helping professionals, researchers, and others.  All sessions will be conducted in English.  This conference has about 100 speakers, so there will be much to choose from.  There will be a Phoenix Project exhibit of art and literary works, organized by Diana Pletts, as well as poster sessions.  A draft agenda (subject to change) can be found here:
On Wednesday, June 24th, there will be preconference workshops for mental-health professionals, researchers, families, and former members of high-demand groups.  Preconference workshops are free for conference registrants.
