
Oct 8, 2021

CultNEWS101 Articles: 10/8/2021(Buddha Field, Documentary, Spiritual Abuse, Beatles, Maharishi, India, Conspiracy Theories)

Buddha Field, Documentary, Spiritual Abuse, Beatles, Maharishi, India, Conspiracy Theories

California News Times: Inside 'cult for beautiful people' where 'monster' guru 'raped disciples' who compare him to 'Hitler' in new doc
"The horrifying reality of the lives of people "manipulated" to participate in the "cult for beautiful people" is a new documentary, as the disciples claim to have been raped by the "monster" guru. It was revealed in.

As leader Jamie Gomez provided followers with a healthy lifestyle away from sex and drugs, what started with a group of 15 quickly surged to more than 150.

However, former members of the cult (known as the Buddha Field) made disturbing claims about the progress of the group-some claim they were molested by Gomez, who was likened to "Hitler."

The horrifying claim was shared in a new documentary, Holy Hell. There, filmmaker Will Allen talks about his experience with the cult.

He claims that he and others have spent years on sexual abuse-Gomez denies this."

"In my mid-20s, I joined a spiritually uncharitable Christian sect and became spiritually harsh myself, mostly toward my own family. Of course, I didn't know this at the time.

I wouldn't say I was in a cult, but I would say that my first pastor who led the church where I gave my life to the Lord, where I was baptized, and where I first became an official church member had some very cultish leanings that were accepted and even magnified by this particular brand of Christianity.

Prior to joining this church, the weight of my sinful choices became heavier and heavier on my shoulders. In Christian speak, I was coming to "the end of myself," a place where I turned from my self-destructive ways toward God. When I finally yielded my life to him, God began to heal me and set me free from that past, and he used this pastor and faith family to do so.

This season was full of loving fervor toward God, toward the people in the church I belonged to, and toward my pastor in particular. I would often counsel with him and when he spoke, it was like through his words and his counsel, God parted the Red Sea of my jumbled mind and deposited his truth on that dry ground to reform my thoughts.

Not having been raised in a church, I found all of this so healing, so freeing, and so beautiful.

Then, this pastor began a radio show, which he was going to use as a medium to share his biblical view of the world — mostly in the political arena. By starting this radio show, I guess he thought he was going to be the next Rush Limbaugh, only with a Christian flair.

I loved listening to it at first, and while I can't remember any, I'm sure he made some brilliant points. I even used my talents as a writer to craft a press release about his new show's launch to be sent to the local media.

But in time, his words grew coarser toward "those" people: gays, Democrats, non-Christians, etc. So, my words became coarser when talking about "them," too. His self-righteousness grew in the pulpit. So, my self-righteousness grew in my relationships with others. His way of being a Christian became the best and only way. So, by following him and his manner, I was showing the world the best and only way to be a Christian."a
"The memory of the Beatles' relationship with India is revived in this engaging documentary, and if there isn't much really new here, it's still salutary to be reminded of how these four young men – and it's amazing to remember that they were only in their 20s, as Craig Brown's book One Two Three Four points out – used their colossal influence, greater than any politician or movie star or religious leader, to direct the world's attention to India, a country which until then had been opaque for many in the west.

The film amusingly notes that, before this, India had been just as crazed with western Beatlemania as anyone else, with a popular Beatles-style band called the Savages, and Shammi Kapoor bopping around wearing a Beatles wig in Bhappi Sonie's 1965 film Janwar.

George Harrison visited India in 1966 to take sitar lessons from Ravi Shankar, and his humility and creative curiosity is still moving. In 1968, all four Beatles (Ringo Starr carrying a second suitcase full of tins of Heinz baked beans) went to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram in Rishikesh in the foothills of the Himalayas, where they earnestly pursued transcendental meditation, experienced a summer of spiritual love and wound up composing most of the songs on the White Album."

".... Mike Kropveld, the founder and director of the Montreal-based non-profit organisation Info-Secte and who once helped rescue a friend from a religious sect, launched a new support group for people with friends, spouses or family members who have become extreme proponents of conspiracy theories and other fringe beliefs or groups.   

"Emotionally and psychologically, these situations can be very draining for a family member and they need to talk with people who are in similar situations," he said. "The pandemic just increased the need because we got more and more calls."

The support group includes volunteer psychologists and other healthcare professionals. Their aim is to help families and friends deal with what they often feel is a "hopeless" situation. 

"Bringing someone back to how they were before is a long process, if at all possible," Kropveld said, noting the conspiracy theorists are so "emotionally tied" to their beliefs that any attempt to try to prove them wrong is likely to backfire and may instead aggravate the situation."

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