Aug 6, 2022

ExMISA​: Gregorian Bivolaru, MISA exposed

​From website about:

"​We are a group of former MISA followers.​ Our own experience in this cult and the testimonies of MISA victims worldwide have allowed us to connect the dots, to put together many pieces of the "MISA puzzle".

Our aim is to present to the general public the testimonies of victims around the world, the hidden face of MISA, to expose its sectarian nature, its direct or indirect, visible or invisible ramifications.

An important objective of our work is to warn potential victims of the danger they are exposing themselves to by contacting or joining this movement.

The blog is an investigative journalism project whose main objective is to bring to light some of the irregularities within MISA that it tries to hide from the public eye.

We regularly and constantly look for "leaks" not only through the media and online press, but especially through "client material": conferences, brochures, articles or announcements made public by MISA itself, its branches, its representatives, etc.​"​

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