With an official thesis that's disputed, the Tate-LaBianca killings continue to spark debate. The mastermind of the crimes died in 2017, but another relevant and even more mysterious figure remains in prison: the musician Robert Beausoleil
"Less than five years had passed since the sentencing of Charles Manson and his criminal sect — the so-called "Manson Family" — when the official version of events was met with notable skepticism.
Truman Capote had become an authority on killers after the publication of In Cold Blood (1966), a book about the murder of a family in Kansas. He would go on to write a short story based on his 1972 interview with an imprisoned Beausoleil:
"Robert Beausoleil, who is now 31, is the real mystery figure of the Charles Manson cult. More to the point — and it's a point that has never been clearly brought forth in accounts of that tribe — he is the key to the mystery of the homicidal escapades of the so-called Manson Family, notably the Sharon Tate-La Bianca murders."
In the text — titled Then It All Came Down, published in the collection Music for Chameleons (1980) — Capote asserted that "it was out of devotion to 'Bobby' Beausoleil that Tex Watson and those cutthroat young ladies, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Hooten, sallied forth on their satanic errands."
In other words, the writer of the second-best-selling true crime novel didn't believe what was said in the first: Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders (1974). In this book, the prosecutor for the case — Vince Bugliosi — laid out the story that was endorsed by the courts."
US News: Hundreds of Police Raid a Religious Compound in Search of Filipino Preacher Wanted for Child Abuse
"Hundreds of police, backed by riot squads, have raided a vast religious compound in a southern Philippine city in search of a local preacher accused of sexual abuse and human trafficking.A supporter of the group, called Kingdom of Jesus Christ, reportedly died due to a heart attack during the massive police raid that started at dawn in the group's compound in Davao city, live streamed online by a local TV network owned by the group, police said, adding that the death was not related to the police operations."
"Basically my whole journey of the book Cult Trip started with [12 years ago with Angie Meiklejohn]. She was this former teenager from Centrepoint who I'd met at a festival in Australia and then she came to New Zealand and visited me. I was about to head to the Frankfurt Book Fair and said, look, I want to pitch you and this [story] as a book and it kind of launched from us sitting in this space. These walls have heard a lot.
The book is my 10 years of research into cult groups, but also my experience of coming too close to the trauma of those who've come out of cults. It's really me being an accidental cult journalist, sometimes even a cult tourist.
When the book came out in 2022 I became a bit of a go-to person for many people who have had similar experiences, coming out of groups, communities where they grew up."
" ... Decult is a conference in October to bring people together and make conversations happen.
You could see it as professional development almost for stakeholders and government and health and education, law enforcement, media. It's also for the public to basically listen to the voice of the cult survivors and get an idea of what the issues are. So it's not just regurgitating trauma."
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