"On [February 7, 2023] ... the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints instituted a number of revisions to the temple endowment ceremony. Over the last few days, I've been interviewing people off the record about their impressions of the changes."
" ... [This article] is a provisional overview. Latter-day Saints don't go into the temple with a notebook or a recorder — or at least, they shouldn't. Though the people I spoke to tried, to the best of their recollection, to tell me what was new and different, this is not an exhaustive list, and in at least one instance, their memories conflicted with each other.
Out of respect, this preliminary assessment doesn't reveal what the signs and tokens are, as those are the elements of the temple ceremony that participants covenant not to reveal. But there are quite a few changes to other aspects of the temple endowment that merit discussion."
Newsroom Post: Session on 'Decoding National Education Policy 2020' organized on the last day of Global Investors Summit
"Government Minister Ashish Patel, Secondary Education Minister Gulab Devi, Minister of State for Higher Education Rajni Tiwari, Chief Minister's Education Advisor Prof. DP Singh, Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University Prof. Alok Rai, Principal Secretary Lucknow, February 12
The UP government's main priorities are to educate, develop, and assist youths in getting employment through higher education. With the New Education Policy 2020, the government is committed to provide the youth with a bright future by connecting them with education. In view of this, a session on 'Decoding National Education Policy 2020' was held at Bhardwaj Hall-3 on Sunday, the last day of the Global Investors Summit.
During the session, eight investment proposals totaling more than Rs 6680 crore were received on the spot. This will provide employment to about 13000 people in the state.
Yogendra Upadhyay, Minister of Higher Education and Science-Technology, stated that the New Education Policy 2020 was created to link a new culture of education with the nation's progress. It is our goal to make education a medium of knowledge by connecting it to culture.
The Higher Education Minister gave the mantra, "Learning is more important than reading. Although it is possible to forget what was studied, one can never forget what was learnt. The new education policy is created around combining the modernism of today with the specialization of the past."
Education has to be linked with culture, employment, and technology. Education is more than just a degree; it is linked to knowledge—science, research. This should be the core. This education teaches how the family, society and nation are related to the world, he added.
State Government Minister Ashish Patel, Secondary Education Minister Gulab Devi, Minister of State for Higher Education Rajni Tiwari, Chief Minister's Education Advisor Prof. DP Singh, Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University Prof. Alok Rai, Principal Secretary of Higher Education Dr. Sudhir Bobde etc. were also present."
" ... MoU of Rs 680 crores to open Maharishi Mahesh Yogi International Agricultural University in Bilhaur, Kanpur, 1237 jobs"
Conference Date: March 13, 2023
" ... This year's virtual conference will be on a single day, Monday, March 13th. As in the previous two years, the speakers include academics, regulators, social media activists, attorneys, and consumer protection advocates. The four session themes are:
* Review of some recent MLM cases* Social Media Activism* In their own words: MLM industry documents, statements, and behaviors*FTC's ANPR re: the Business Opportunity Rule and other recent news
The conference website has the full schedule, a list of presenters, and a link for registration.
Conference website: https://mlmconf2023.org
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