May 11, 2024

CultNEWS101 Articles: 5/9/2024 (Attachment, Chiropractic, Jehovah's Witnesses, Japan, Dahnworld)

Attachment,  Chiropractic, Jehovah's Witnesses, Japan,  Dahnworld

PsyPost: Attachment styles predict experiences of singlehood and well-being, study finds
"A new study published in the Journal of Personality examined the link between attachment profiles, singlehood, and psychological well-being.

Despite the universal desire for romantic companionship, a growing number of people are choosing to live alone, with a significant increase in solo living from 7.6% in 1967 to 14.4% in 2020 in the United States. Further, around 35% of U.S. adults are not in a romantic relationship.

In their new study, Christopher A. Pepping and his colleagues examined why some people remain single through the lens of attachment theory. While attachment theory is often referred to in explaining relationship dynamics, it has rarely been applied to singlehood."

JSTOR: The Metaphysical Story of Chiropractic
Chiropractic medicine began as a practice built on an approach to the human condition that was distinctly opposed to Christianity.

"If you've considered seeing a chiropractor for a back problem, you may not have thought much about how the treatment could affect your spiritual life. But, as religious studies scholar Candy Gunther Brown writes, chiropractic began as a distinct approach to the human condition that was explicitly opposed to mainstream Christian theology

Brown writes that, before he became the founder of chiropractic, Daniel David Palmer was a Spiritualist and practitioner of animal magnetism. Palmer subscribed to eclectic spiritual ideas based on the unity of God and nature and the idea that humans can restore themselves to a state of harmony without depending on divine intervention.

Palmer claimed to have received communication from a deceased physician who taught him the principles of chiropractic—a term he invented in 1896, combining the Greek words cheir and praktos to mean "done by hand."

Palmer considered introducing Chiropractic as a religion in its own right but ultimately settled on describing it as an amalgamation of Christian Science and modern medicine. He wrote that it was based on adjusting the body to permit the free flow of "Innate Intelligence," or just "Innate," which he explained as "a segment of that Intelligence which fills the universe" (i.e. God) found in each individual.

"Palmer insisted that chiropractic could not be practiced effectively apart from a philosophy which he thought captured the essence of the world's religious and medical systems," Brown writes.

In 1963, the American Medical Association formed a Committee on Quackery with the mission "to contain and eliminate chiropractic."
Palmer's son, Bartlett Joshua Palmer, continued his father's work, leading the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Iowa, which trained about 75 percent of all chiropractors for 50 years. The younger Palmer was more forthright than the elder in his opposition to Christianity, writing that "no Chiropractor would pray on his knees in supplication to some invisible power."

Nonetheless, Brown writes, many patients apparently found seeing a chiropractor compatible with their Christian faith. Often, chiropractors served rural, working-class people, who were frequently suspicious of allopathic medicine."

Japan Times: Japan finds 47 cases of abuse of 'second-generation followers'
"There were 47 child abuse cases apparently reflecting parents' religious beliefs in Japan between April 2022 and September 2023, a Children and Families Agency survey showed Friday.

The suspected abuse cases were found by child consultation centers across the country, with victims temporarily taken into protective custody in 19 of the total cases, while some of the victims, often called "second-generation followers," sought support to become more self-reliant or advance to the next level of education.

The agency plans to consider necessary measures based on the results of the survey, which also covered medical institutions with critical care centers and municipal governments as well as elementary, and junior and senior high schools.

Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting conducted the survey on behalf of the agency using subsidies.

Of 232 child consultation centers across the country, 229 gave answers. Among the respondents, 37 facilities, or 16.2%, said that they detected child abuse cases believed to have been caused mainly by parents' religious beliefs.

Of the 47 detected abuse cases, those in which parents blocked their children's free decision-making by inciting fear through the use of words and images accounted for the largest share. In other cases, parents forced their children to declare in front of others that they are following religions or compelled their children to engage in activities to spread the religions they believe in by intimidating them."

The Chosun: Religious cult links to HYBE spark online speculation
" ... Founded in South Korea in the 1980s, Dahnworld outwardly presents itself as a meditation group but has long faced allegations of being a cult. In the United States, it is known as Dahn Yoga. CNN, Forbes, and others reported allegations in 2010 that the founder and spiritual leader, Ilchi Lee (Lee Seung-Heun), had sexually preyed on young female disciples. In Korea, SBS's investigative program Unanswered Questions shed light on fraud allegations against the organization."

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