Podast, Cult Mediation, Patrick Ryan, Covid-19, Synanon, Stanford Prison Experiment, First Pentecostal Church, Terrorism
This Podcast Will Save The World: Episode 5: Cults
"Interview with 1BR writer/director David Marmor and Cult Mediation Specialist Patrick Ryan discusses how cults operate and how to intervene when someone needs help"
"35 of the 92 people (38%) who attended services at a rural Arkansas church March 6–11 tested positive for the coronavirus, ultimately killing three, according to a case study released Tuesday by the CDC.Why it matters: Places of worship continue to be a problem for controlling the widespread transmission of the coronavirus, especially as some churches and local government officials push to loosen restrictions on religious gatherings."
Datebook: Putting the pieces back together after escaping a California cult at age 5
"In 1995, a decade before Mikel Jollett became the frontman of the indie rock band the Toxic Airborne Event, he was a 20-year-old Stanford student enrolled in the university's popular Psychology of Mind Control course taught by Philip Zimbardo (of Stanford Prison Experiment fame).
Jollett remembers devouring the entire syllabus, reading about Jim Jones' Peoples Temple and Vietnam prisoner-of-war camps and thinking, "It all feels familiar, like reading your own family history," the singer-songwriter and former music journalist writes in his mesmerizing new memoir, "Hollywood Park," out Tuesday, May 26.
Unlike most of his classmates, Jollett wasn't learning about cults with an intellectual curiosity about why people fall prey to charismatic leaders.
For him, the class was personal.
Jollett was separated from his parents at 6 months old and spent the next four years being raised by strangers at the Church of Synanon's ranch in Tomales Bay.
Founded in 1958 as a tough-love drug rehab program for hardened addicts (like Jollett's father, Jim, an ex-con who kicked his heroin habit at Synanon), the self-help community morphed by the '70s into an increasingly violent cult with centers throughout California and $3 million in assets.
True believers shaved their heads, wore overalls and obeyed Synanon founder Chuck Dederich's diabolical protocols and penchant for social engineering. There were forced divorces and repartnerings, mandatory abortions — and the inhumane practice of separating infants like Mikel from their parents."
NY Times: Church That Defied Coronavirus Restrictions Is Burned to Ground
A message at the scene that said, in part, "Bet you stay home now," has led the police in Mississippi to suspect.
"The burning of a church in northern Mississippi this week is being investigated as arson because of a spray-painted message at the scene that seemed to criticize the church's defiance of coronavirus restrictions.
First Pentecostal Church had sued the city of Holly Springs, Miss., which is about an hour southeast of Memphis, arguing that its stay-at-home order had violated the church's right to free speech and interfered with its members' ability to worship.
After firefighters put out the blaze early Wednesday, the police found a message, "Bet you stay home now you hypokrits," spray-painted on the ground near the church's doors, according to Maj. Kelly McMillen of the Marshall County Sheriff's Department.
A photograph of the graffiti also appears to show an atomic symbol with an "A" in the center, which is sometimes used as a logo for atheist groups."
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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.
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