"After two years of research, writing, and debate, the GBC recently ratified and voted into ISKCON law a Code of Ethical Behavior. We spoke with the Code's author, Yogesvara dasa, about the background to the Code and what changes he hopes to see in Srila Prabhupada's movement thanks to its passage. The full official Code can be found through the GBC website."
." ... Turner's analysis suggests a prosperous pilgrim was possibly the owner of the Bromholm prayer roll – made from two pieces of vellum stitched together, and bought by a private collector in the 1970s.
"The roll reflects a time when the laity (non-clergy) had a real belief in both visible and invisible enemies," says Turner, who has worked at Tate Britain, the Arts Council, and as a consultant for Christie's and at the Courtauld.
"For their owners, prayer rolls…were prized as very personal inspirations to prayer, although during the Reformation and after they were commonly undervalued and dismissed.
"The survival of such a magnificent roll for over 500 years is therefore remarkable."
Attaching animal skin pieces end to end in a continuous strip to make a 'roll' was once the standard method of presenting text. Few medieval prayer rolls survive today because they lacked covers yet were made to be handled. This one is 13cm wide, by a metre long.
Worshippers regularly touched or kissed images of Jesus on the cross in an attempt, says Turner, "to experience Christ's Passion more directly and powerfully". Indeed, the historian reveals abrasion marks are visible on the Bromholm roll where the owner has engaged in such a 'devotional act identified in other similar rolls'."
"A survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a member of a Jehovah's Witnesses congregation in Pierce County recently sued the organization.
Moriah Hughes, 24, filed her lawsuit last month in Pierce County Superior Court against the Milton Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It says her abuser was a "baptized publisher," that he used his position to perpetrate the abuse, and that the church had information about similar allegations made against him by another congregation. He was later charged and sentenced in King County Superior Court for abusing Hughes and another girl.
"... the Milton Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses knew or should have known that he posed a threat of foreseeable harm to Moriah Hughes, but it failed to take reasonable steps to protect Moriah Hughes from that harm," the lawsuit said.
It also names other organizations as part of the church's hierarchy: the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"A new exhibit has opened at Northeastern Nevada Museum, one that combines physical art forms with a live presentation from "Rev. Jacob Ernest Deewt," around whom the story and the artwork revolve.
"I've been working on a trilogy of art exhibitions since 2015," said Reno artist Eric Brooks.
Brooks said these works are about his rebirth into society after 28 years of being a Jehovah's Witness, including working at the world headquarters and eight years of missionary life."
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