"American entity that specializes in helping people adversely affected by or interested in cultic and other high-control groups, is offering assistance to Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries congregants who are still reeling from the deadly events at the church on October 17 and the death of their leader Kevin Smith.
According to the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), its Cult Recovery 101 team has "a network of experts, therapists, and other helping professionals who have studied the cult phenomenon and have responded to crises similar to the recent events in Jamaica".
"We would like to offer our services to those who have been affected by this unfortunate event. We understand the need for a trauma-informed approach and seek to provide a safe space for victims in need of support. There is hope and healing for survivors affected by destructive groups," the ICSA said in an e-mail sent to the Jamaica Observer late Tuesday night.
Reacting to the macabre series of events which began unfolding two Sundays ago after the police stormed the church where alleged human sacrifices were under way, the ICSA said the experiences highlighted in the media of those who escaped the violence demonstrate that many of the members whose need for belonging was "sinisterly turned against them as a means of control" are living in fear and need support.
Yesterday, Ashlen Hilliard, assistant to ICSA's director, told the Jamaica Observer that the entity, which has more than 40 years' experience in the field, was eager, despite the constraints of the novel coronavirus pandemic, to work with the survivors to help create a "safe space" in which they could unpack the trauma of their entire experience.
She said, while the ICSA does not have any partners on the ground in Jamaica at this time, it is not averse to striking up local partnerships with interest groups here to facilitate an interface with the victims.
Hilliard, who noted that it was unlikely that the remaining church members would be open to receiving aid from the religious community at this time, said the ICSA has no religious affiliation.
"We are a non-profit organization. We are not affiliated with any religious groups; that is not what they would need right now, they wouldn't be receptive," she said.
Hilliard said both virtual and in-person interactions are anticipated."
$100,000 fee to stay in Smith's 'ark', where congregants slept on the floor and were fed dumpling and mackerel gravy.
"For an entire month in March of last year, 70 congregants of Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries, who were told to pay $100,000 each for entry into Kevin Smith's 'ark', slept on concrete floors and barely had enough to eat. That first boarding of the 'ark' ended badly, but without the loss of life seen during this week's bloody second attempt.
Yesterday, a victim of Sunday's ritual who had boarded the ark on both occasions, painted a picture of an organization heavily focused on feathering the nest of its leader, and followers who often blindly complied with the shepherd's wishes."
"A man who led a group committed to creating what he described as the "ideal human environment" has been convicted of sexually abusing a teenage girl at an Adelaide Hills mansion.
Key points:• James Salerno pleaded not guilty to eight counts of unlawful sexual intercourse• A jury found him guilty of six counts and not guilty of two• The trial heard Salerno was the "revered leader" of a cult based in the Adelaide Hills
James Gino Salerno, 74, pleaded not guilty to eight counts of unlawful sexual intercourse, after last year being granted a retrial, which occurred in the District Court.
The jury took four hours to find him guilty on six counts, and not guilty of two.
During the trial, prosecutor Patrick Hill told the jury that Salerno — who was the "revered leader" of the group — sexually abused the girl hundreds of times over a five-year period.
"Throughout the entire period [the alleged victim] and the accused lived together as part of a communal living arrangement with a number of other people," Mr. Hill told the court.
"[The group] appears to have been about pooling resources and pursuing business ventures … in pursuit of financial gains.
"One of [the] main aims has been the attainment of something he called the 'ideal human environment' – or the IHE – which purports to be something to do with people living together harmoniously and free of conflict.
"It is from his position, as leader of this group, that we say the accused was able to commence and maintain this lengthy course of sexual abuse."
Salerno, who was known as "Taipan" to his followers, denied ever being the leader of the group — repeatedly referred to as a "cult" during the original trial — and denied all of the sexual offending."
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