Oct 13, 2013

Mental Health Issues in Cult-Related Interventions

ICSA will conduct a special event in Philadelphia from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Sunday, October 13, 2013. The event will take place at the Sheraton Philadelphia University City (36th and Chestnut St.).

In this special event, cult intervention specialists and mental health professionals will discuss their roles in helping families and former members, in particular how they work together and how they differ. 
Among the questions to be examined are:

  1. What assessment criteria should be considered to determine the appropriateness and feasibility of cult-related interventions? 
  2. What criteria should be considered to determine the appropriateness of mental health consultation and/or treatment? 
This event should be useful to former members of high-control groups or relationships, families concerned about an affected loved one, and helping professionals whose assistance is sometimes sought by families and former members. 
Speakers include some of the leading "exit counselors" and mental health professionals in this field, including (see “People Profiles” link on www.icsahome.com for biographical data): 

  • David Clark 
  • Steve K. D. Eichel, PhD, ABPP 
  • Lorna Goldberg, MSW, LCSW, PsyA 
  • William Goldberg, MSW, LCSW, PsyA 
  • Steven Hassan, Med, LMHC, NCC 
  • Joseph Kelly 
  • Arnold Markowitz, LCSW 
  • Patrick Ryan 
  • Daniel Shaw, LCSW 
  • Joseph Szimhart 
We hope you join us! 

Please tell others and donate if you cannot attend.  Thank you.

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