Dec 6, 2019

CultNEWS101 Articles: 12/5/2019

Neo-Nazi, Muslim Uighur, Bikram Yoga, Scientology, Legal
"The youngest person to be convicted of planning a terrorist attack in the UK identified potential targets in his hometown, began drafting a "guerrilla warfare" manual and tried to obtain a chemical used in terrorist bombings. But the case also focused on the radicalisation process itself, hearing the 16-year-old's preparations for an attack involved a deliberate effort to dehumanise himself and become like the "living dead".

The teenager chronicled his regression in a journal, writing "at one point or another I can look back and see if I was any different." Aged 14, he noted: "I wasn't always a fascist, my red pilling process was slower than most", adding that less than two years earlier he advocated "punk rock ideals and Marxism".

The trial heard much about his ideology: an amalgam of neo-Nazism, Satanism and misanthropy, allied to the belief that a collapse of civilisation should be "accelerated" through acts of violence and criminality."

"Leaked documents detail for the first time China's systematic brainwashing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in a network of high-security prison camps.

The Chinese government has consistently claimed the camps in the far western Xinjiang region offer voluntary education and training.

But official documents, seen by BBC Panorama, show how inmates are locked up, indoctrinated and punished.

China's UK ambassador dismissed the documents as fake news.

The leak was made to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) , which has worked with 17 media partners, including BBC Panorama and The Guardian newspaper in the UK.

The investigation has found new evidence which undermines Beijing's claim that the detention camps, which have been built across Xinjiang in the past three years, are for voluntary re-education purposes to counter extremism.

About a million people - mostly from the Muslim Uighur community - are thought to have been detained without trial."

" ... Bikram Choudhury reportedly made time to watch Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator. Publicist Richard Hillgrove, who was retained to represent Bikram, told the L.A. Times that his client had indeed watched the Netflix film. Here's how Hillgrove shared Bikram's feelings on it:

Bikram Choudhury totally refutes all the allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment presented in the film and is deeply upset by the continued character assassination. Bikram believes that the concerted effort by money-motivated lawyers to proactively send letters to a database of all his clients, offering people free legal representation and the promise of $1 million insurance policy pay-outs is the primary motivation for this reputational catastrophe. Bikram believes the Netflix film is nothing more than a repetition of old material."

"The Church of Scientology is attempting to distance leader David Miscavige from a harassment lawsuit stemming from actor Danny Masterson's sexual assault scandal.

In California court documents obtained by, three witnesses filed declarations on November 18, 2019 to say that the Chairman of the Board could not be served in the lawsuit, and therefore should not be a defendant.

Specifically, they argued that Celebrity Centre (CC) — a Scientology church that caters to celebrities — was not run by or managed by Miscavige, so he should not have been served at the location.

According to the filing, the receptionist of Celebrity Centre, Lewis Miranda, claimed that the man who attempted to serve Miscavige with papers did not specify who he was delivering them to, or where the documents were meant to be served.

"The Man insisted that he had to deliver the papers at 6331 Hollywood Boulevard. He then placed several documents on the security desk in front of me and left the building," Miranda wrote. "During the conversation on October 10, 2019, the Man never mentioned Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International or Religious Technology Center or indicated that he was delivering anything for Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International or Religious Technology Center."

Miranda continued: "During the conversation on October 10, 2019, the Man never mentioned David Miscavige or Daniel Masterson or indicated that he was delivering anything for Mr. Miscavige or Mr. Masterson."

The second declaration came from a security officer and secretary at Celebrity Centre, Margaret Marmolejo, who also identified herself as the 'designated Custodian of Records for CC.'"

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