Ruwan Meepagala is a podcaster and coach. In his early twenties, he became involved in the matriarchal cult, known as One Taste, which was recently covered in the Netflix documentary Orgasm Inc.
The IndoctriNation Podcast: Tory Christman from 2018 (Re-release)
Tory Christman is a prominent American critic of Scientology and a former member of the organization. Christman turned to Scientology after being introduced to the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. She became a member of the organization in 1969. Since leaving Tori has become one of Scientology's greatest critics.
If conflict resolution were easy, North and South Korea would no longer be at war, Princes Harry and William would be enjoying tea time together, and videos of irate plane passengers losing their God damn marbles would no longer fill our TikTok feeds. But we all know that resolving or letting go of hot blooded arguments is no easy task. Enter licensed marriage and family therapist Diane Dierks with Dr. Rick Voyles, the CEO of the Center of Dispute Solutions, and their fabulously insightful podcast "Co-Parent Dilemmas," which aims to provide practical solutions to families struggling with co-parenting.
News, Education, Intervention, Recovery to help families and friends understand and effectively respond to the complexity of a loved one's cult involvement. assists group members and their families make the sometimes difficult transition from coercion to renewed individual choice. news, links, resources. resources about cults, cultic groups, abusive relationships, movements, religions, political organizations and related topics.
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