Have you Ever Been A Part of a Cult, High-Control Group, or Relationship? You are not alone. Join us for a One-Day Conference on May 11th, 2024 in Portland, Oregon for Education, Healing, and Community.This event is sponsored by the Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education (SAFE), which is a regular meetup in Portland, Oregon. This will be our second SAFE sponsored conference in Portland. Conference Co-Sponsors include People Leave Cults, Empathy Paradigm Consulting, CultNews101, and Cult Mediation.Presenters include a range of professionals with specializations in coercive control, cult recovery education, and religious trauma therapy. Conference presentations and speaker line-up:
- Spiritual Abuse & Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse: How Does it Happen and How Are They Connected - Presented by Anna Tolf
- Healing After Cults…Spirituality, Self-Help & Cult Hopping - Presented by Jennifer French Tomasic, MSc
- Complex Trauma After Cult Involvement: Approaches to Recovery - Presented by Erin Falconer, PhD, MSc, LMSW
- Using Art to Build Self Connection - Presented by Natalee Bigger Stockdale, MA, ATR-BC, LPCC, NCC
- Creating Psychologically Safe Communities - Presented by Josh Miller, MCPC and Ashlen Hilliard, MSc
- Re-establishing Faith After Spiritual Abuse - Presented by Kent Burtner, M.Div., M.A
- Navigating Scientology: Perspectives From Generational Differences - Moderated by Ashlen Hilliard, MSc
- Understanding Power & Control Dynamics - Presented by Josh Miller, MCPC and Anna Clark Miller, NCC, LPC-S, LMHC-S
- When to Leave your Church - Presented by Rev. Kenneth Garrett, MDiv. DMin.
- Cult Recovery: The Basics - Presented by Chris Shelton, MSc
- Cult Media Messaging: Feeling Comfortable with Sharing Your Story - Presented by Dhyana Levey, MSc
- Tools and Skills to Help and Advocate for Other Survivors - Presented by Connie Baker, MA, LPC
We hope you can join us! Together we can overcome the trauma of cults and high-control groups or relationships, and strengthen our network in the Pacific Northwest.
Intervention101.com to help families and friends understand and effectively respond to the complexity of a loved one's cult involvement.
CultRecovery101.com assists group members and their families make the sometimes difficult transition from coercion to renewed individual choice.
CultNEWS101.com news, links, resources.
Cults101.org resources about cults, cultic groups, abusive relationships, movements, religions, political organizations and related topics.
Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.
Please forward articles that you think we should add to cultintervention@gmail.com.
Ashlen Hilliard (ahilliard@peopleleavecults.com)
Joe Kelly (joekelly411@gmail.com)
Patrick Ryan (pryan19147@gmail.com)
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