YD News
Could this be? A news report out of India says hot yogapreneur Bikram Choudhury is closing up shop in the U.S. and is heading back to India. A series of lawsuits and allegations of sexual assault, rape, and abuse of power along with the subsequent major public fallout could be to blame. Or maybe it’s just Bikram himself who could be to blame. In any case, apparently he wants out, even if he still does deny any wrongdoing.
According to the report from India-based news outlet Mid-Day:
Bikram Choudhury has closed his international HQ and flagship LA studio to move his teacher training programme to Aamby Valley and is looking to open centres in Mumbai.
Amresh Sahay, from the sales department at Aamby Valley City, confirmed the news to Mid-Day:
“We have created a 15,000 sq-ft closed space, which can accommodate 500 people, where he conducts his sessions at a temperature of 42 degrees Celsius. The first one started on May 1 and will end on July 3.”
Former Bikram legal adviser, Minakshi Jafa-Bodden (who won her case against Choudhury in January with a mind-swelling $7 million awarded in damages) told Mid-Day:
“Bikram closed his international headquarters and flagship studio in Los Angeles following the verdict in the case, and has moved his teacher training to a resort in India at Aamby Valley. In the US, we understand his teacher training numbers are significantly down, with less than 50 paid attendees.”
If this is the case, this is truly some crazy news. Maybe the petition worked?
Yoga studios across the country have already begun stripping the Bikram namefrom their businesses, and with him getting out of dodge, we can only assume there will be a whole lot more. Or maybe he’s hoping it will all blow over and people will forget about it if he leaves the country.
We won’t be forgetting about anything too soon. Bikram still faces multiple lawsuitshere in the states.
Tidbit from the end of the Mid-Day article:
On May 5, a Superior Court Judge Ruth A Kwan, ordered the yoga guru to show up for a deposition over claims he raped a former teacher trainee. The judge was visibly agitated after Choudhury’s lawyer Linda Hurvitz said the yoga guru was presently “consumed” with a nine-week yoga teacher training in India. The judge said Choudhury can’t testify by video just because he’s conducting trainings in India.
As for India…we know you’re his homeland, but are you ready for this guy? Is he going to try and compete with the insanely popular Baba Ramdev? Will he join forces with Prime Minister Modi? And what about his wife Rajashree who filed for divorce but still defended her husband’s antics in court? It will be interesting to watch how this all unfolds.
It’s all been a little too real with this narcissistic, power-hungry creep. Peace out.
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