Oct 2, 2017

Participate in Study to learn about factors which are related to decisions to stay in or leave new religious movements or minority religions.

This survey is a part of a study being conducted by Victoria Knoche, a student in the Interdisciplinary Social Psychology Ph.D. Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. The purpose of this study is to learn about factors which are related to decisions to stay in or leave new religious movements or minority religions. There will be no direct benefit to you as a participant in this study. However, your opinions are valuable to researchers. You will not be compensated for participation in this study, however the information that you provide could benefit the understanding of new religious movements/minority religions and their current or former members. There are no anticipated risks or costs to participation (aside for the time it takes you to complete the survey – which is judged to take approximately 30 minutes). You must complete the survey in one sitting. Please do not discuss this survey or your answers with any other persons.

Your responses on this survey are confidential. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you are allowed to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty. If you have any questions, contact Victoria Knoche at vknoche@nevada.unr.edu. You may report (anonymously, if you so choose) any complaints or comments regarding the manner in which this study is being conducted to the University of Nevada, Reno Social Behavioral Institutional Review Board at (775)-327-2368 or by addressing a letter to the Chair of the Board, c/o UNR Office of Human Research Protection, 205 Ross Hall/331, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557.

By continuing with this survey, you are giving your consent.

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