ICSA Webinar, Video, Cult Recovery, WMSCOG, LGBTQ, Mission Society Church of God, White Supremacist, Ku Klux Klan, The Twelve Tribes, Self-radicalization, Scientology, China, Religious Freedom
Monday 04/13/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)"Spiritual abuse, the Dallas conference, and COVID - 19"
Kathryn Keller and Cyndi Matthews
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433Tuesday 4/14/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)"How the current crisis may be triggering spiritual abuse survivors"
In what ways coercive control group involvement and COVID-19 are similar crises and what common clinical treatment and self-management approaches exist for survivors who are currently experiencing PTSD symptoms as a result of all that's occurring.
Dylesia Barner
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433
Wednesday 4/15/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Power threat and meaning in the context of a global pandemic"
Rod and Linda Dubrow-Marshall
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433Thursday 04/16/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Mid crisis considerations for LGBTQ former members of cultic and fundamentalist groups, and healing after reparative therapy"
Colleen Logan and Cyndi Matthews
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433AndThursday 04/16/2020, 8pm EST (LIVE Presentation With Q & A)
"Impact of COVID-19 on Former Cult Members"
Bill and Lorna Goldberg
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433
Friday 04/17/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Spiritual practices during uncertain times; spiritual abuse and transgender individuals"
Mark Wingfield and Cyndi Matthews
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433
Friday 04/17/2020, 8 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
Eva Mackey
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433
Saturday 04/18/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Don't Waste your Quarantine. Recovery Strategies for Former Members During the Coronavirus Crisis."?
Doug and Wendy Duncan
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433Monday 04/20/202012 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)"Coping With Domestic Abuse in COVID -19"Elizabeth BurchardLink to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433
Critical Thinking: CA Therapist Describes a Destructive Cult
Fire lord Azulon: Gay Former Member WMSCOG
Website: Examining the World Mission Society Church of God
SPL: Inside an American white supremacist cult.
Chris Shelton interviews "cult recovery/family therapist Rachel Bernstein, she defines what we mean by the term "destructive cult" and what some of the characteristics of these groups are, so anyone can spot one."
Fire lord Azulon: Gay Former Member WMSCOG
Website: Examining the World Mission Society Church of God
"MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to educate the public about the dangers of membership in the World Mission Society Church of God and the negative impact the group has on the community at large. Our goals for this mission are to educate the public about the World Mission Society Church of God's history, religious practices, undue influence over their members' lives, recruitment tactics, negative effects on the family unit, negative effects on the member's finances and lack of transparency within the group. We understand that it is possible, though unlikely, that someone will have a positive experience with the World Mission Society Church of God, but the consistent reports of negative experiences by former members and their families simply cannot be ignored. We also recognize that all adults have the freedom to practice the religion of their choosing, and while we disagree with the World Mission Society Church of God's faulty interpretation of the Bible, the greater concern is the non-religious behavior of the church's leadership."
SPL: Inside an American white supremacist cult.
"From the "God Hates Fags" vitriol of the Westboro Baptist Church to the white supremacist and homophobic totalitarianism of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the violent neo-Nazi advocates of "racial holy war" in the Creativity Movement, examples of hate metastasizing via religious dogma abound.The Twelve Tribes, a Christian fundamentalist cult born in the American South in the 1970s, is little-known to much of the country, and on first impression its communes and hippie-vibed restaurants and cafes can seem quaint and bucolic. But beneath the surface lies a tangle of doctrine that teaches its followers that slavery was "a marvelous opportunity" for black people, who are deemed by the Bible to be servants of whites, and that homosexuals deserve no less than death.While homosexuals are shunned by the Twelve Tribes (though ex-members say the group brags about unnamed members who are "formerly" gay), the group actively proselytizes to African Americans, yet one of its black leaders glorifies the early Ku Klux Klan.The Twelve Tribes tries to keep its extremist teachings on race from novice members and outsiders, but former members and experts on fringe religious movements who've helped its followers escape paint a dark picture of life in the group's monastic communities — especially for black members, who must reconcile the appalling teachings on race with their own heritage and skin color."
Clarion Project: Quarantines Exposing More Kids to Radicalization
Tampa Bay Times: Scientology stays open, but says its virus prevention is the best 'on Earth'
"While extremist ideologies deploy recruiters through the internet, self-radicalization is more likely the cause of quarantine-time radicalization due to influences including:
* Conspiracy theories circulating about the cause of the pandemic which fuel paranoia and alienation at the expense of rationalism and cooperation
* Nations (especially Europe) turning toward the nationalism that many once stigmatized as the trademark of the Far Right
* Extremist ideologies using the crisis to amplify their message of an all-out war toward the catastrophic breakdown of society
Tampa Bay Times: Scientology stays open, but says its virus prevention is the best 'on Earth'
" ... Every parishioner staying in church retreats or going into a facility in Clearwater has their temperature taken before entering, spokesman Ben Shaw said in a statement to the Tampa Bay Times.All food consumed at the downtown headquarters, known as the Flag Land Base, is sanitized with a newly installed ozone water system, which Shaw said "kills any pathogen including viruses."As many as 350 staff members have been reassigned to full-time cleaning, a routine that includes wiping doorknobs, handles, staircase handrails "continuously throughout the day, nonstop." Staff living quarters are thoroughly wiped and decontaminated daily, as are air conditioning ducts, restrooms and other spaces, Shaw said.On Monday, members of the Sea Org, the church's military-style workforce, were still packing buses as they moved from living quarters to church buildings.Shaw said each bus "is completely wiped down" with decontamination7, a powerful cleaning agent, after each use.While the global pandemic has prompted religious organizations to suspend congregating or transition to virtual services, Scientology has not halted the practices that have parishioners and staff interacting in person. Paid services are one of the primary sources of income for the organization, and the system is kept functioning by the full-time Sea Org."
The Christian Post: China: Authorities force Christians into unemployment for 'cult' affiliation
"A Chinese Christian man who was recently released from prison for his faith is now struggling to find work as communist authorities pressure employers to fire him, citing his "cult" affiliation.According to persecution watchdog China Aid, Ruan Haonan, who attends a group related to Fengle Church Heshan city, Guangdong province, was detained for a month for "Organizing and Using a Cult to Undermine Implementation of the Law" in June 2017.Although the former chef has since been released, he has faced consistent persecution. communist authorities have repeatedly pressured his employers to fire him, leaving him constantly out of work."
"After a religious gathering in Delhi at the headquarters of the Tablighi Jamaat sect has emerged as one of the country's top coronavirus hotspots, its chief cleric Maulana Saad and six others have been charged by the police.Thousands of Tablighi Jamaat members, including those from other countries, attended the gathering in March, disregarding all coronavirus warnings and precautions. Many then travelled to different states, widening the spread of the highly contagious virus.Over 2,000 members have been removed from the Markaz Nizamuddin, the Tablighi headquarters, in the past three days."
"Chiropractors in Canada and elsewhere are being told to stop advertising their services as a treatment for covid-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus.In Canada, organisations such as the College of Chiropractors of Ontario have sent dozens of warning letters to clinics and practitioners in the area, following complaints by the nonprofit advocacy group Bad Science Watch. The complaints highlighted advertisements on social media from chiropractors claiming that they could boost the immune system to ward off the coronavirus or otherwise help people recover faster from it."As soon as there is public fear to exploit, these practitioners are really quick to get on message and promote this type of misinformation for their own profit," Ryan Armstrong, head of Bad Science Watch, told CBC."
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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.
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