Apr 9, 2020

CultNEWS101 Articles: 4/9/2020

Cult Recovery, Free Webinars, NXIVM, Hobby Lobby, MLM, Solid Rock, Coronavirus, Ralph Drollinger, LGBTQ, Capitol Ministries, New Vision Community Church 

ICSA: "Cult Recovery and Family Support NOT Cancelled!" Webinar Series Expanded  

Friday 4/10/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"What helps former members recover? Understanding trauma theory"
Gillie Jenkinson

Saturday 4/11/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Recovery and the New Age"
Joe Szimhart

Sunday 4/12/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation, with Q & A)
"Recovery and Bible Based Groups"
Ron Burks
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433

Monday 04/13/2020, 12 PM EST (LIVE Presentation with Q & A)
"Spiritual abuse, the Dallas conference, and COVID - 19"
Kathryn Keller and Cyndi Matthews
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433

Monday 04/13/2020,  8pm EST (LIVE Presentation With Q & A)
"Impact of COVID-19 on Former Cult Members"
Bill and Lorna Goldberg
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/493693433

" ... Former "slave" Lauren Salzman testified that the accused #cult leader hid in a closet from authorities while she tried to protect him from arrest.

The raid happened just as Salzman and other female members of the cult were about to perform a "recommitment ceremony" to prove their loyalty to Raniere.

Buzzfeed reported Salzman testified that she assumed this meant they would be engaging in group sex ― and the prospect didn't excite her.

"There has to be a way that I can grow that isn't this," Salzman said she thought to herself. "I have no way of growing except [by participating in] a group blow job?"

Although the "recommitment ceremony" never took place, Salzman testified the arrest showed her Raniere's true colors."
"The US arts-and-crafts chain Hobby Lobby has said it will remain open during the coronavirus epidemic – but has also refused sick pay for workers who fall ill, including from Covid-19.

The chain is keeping some stores open in states that have not ordered non-essential retailers to shut down. In a letter to all employees on 19 March, founder and CEO David Green warned that times would be tough: "To help ensure our company remains strong and prepared to prosper once again when this passes, we may all have to 'tighten our belts' over the near future."

Mr Green, a devout conservative Christian whose net worth is in the region of $6bn, also wrote that "I cannot adequately express how much I appreciate each one of you."

However, in a March 23 memo to store managers seen by Business Insider, store operations vice president Randy Betts wrote that the business would "make every effort to continue working the employees", and that sick workers will be expected to use their personal paid leave or take an unpaid leave of absence.
Billionaire CEO told employees to 'tighten their belts'"

"There's never been a more opportune time," says one MLM advocate.
" ... It might seem insensitive or downright opportunistic to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a way to recruit people to a business."

Do religious rights trump public health during the coronavirus outbreak?

"While most of Ohio spent the last week lying low under Gov. Mike DeWine's "stay at home" order to stem the coronavirus outbreak, the Solid Rock megachurch just north of Cincinnati took the opposite approach. 

Inside its large sanctuary in Lebanon, hundreds of worshippers continued gathering for services. They sat close to each other and shared microphones. They sang and prayed in tight quarters. And despite the risks, Solid Rock doesn't seem ready to call off in-person worship any time soon."
Ralph Drollinger, who leads a Bible study for Trump's cabinet members, claims homosexuality, environmentalism and atheism are signs of God's wrath.

"An evangelical pastor who holds regular Bible studies on Capitol Hill for members of President Donald #Trump's cabinet is suggesting that the crisis America is now experiencing is proof of God's disapproval of LGBTQ Americans.  

In a Bible study he published last weekend, Ralph Drollinger pointed to several signs he believes are evidence of God's displeasure ― including "a proclivity toward lesbianism and homosexuality" and the "religion of #environmentalism." Ultimately, he says, these groups are "largely responsible" for God's wrath on America today. 

"Whenever an individual or corporate group of individuals violate the inviolate precepts of God's Word, he, she, they or the institution will suffer the respective consequences," Drollinger wrote last Saturday. "Most assuredly America is facing this form of God's judgment."

Drollinger's comments were published as cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, began spiking across the country. The number of deaths from the illness have now reached over 1,000 in the U.S., according to the Associated Press.

As the founder of Capitol Ministries, which seeks to evangelize elected officials, Drollinger reaches a highly influential audience of cabinet members, senators and congresspeople."
"According to The Christian Post, Pastor Ronnie Hampton of the New Vision Community Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, has died of COVID-19 — after telling his followers that the virus was not a huge deal and suggesting that God was just testing the faithful.

"This virus that is out now, look at what it's doing," he said in a Facebook Live broadcast one week before his death on Wednesday. "It's shutting down everything, which means that the physical connection of Christians is being ripped apart. We're not able to fellowship. We're not able to love each other. We're not able to greet each other with a handshake or a hug. We're not able to be in close proximity of each other. We're not able to break bread, sit down and eat with each other because Caesar is mandating how we conduct ourselves using the pretext of this virus to be able to conduct our lives and run our lives for us."

Hampton went on to offer conspiracy theories about coronavirus, suggesting that it was an excuse for the government to create a police state and implant microchips in the population."

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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.

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