"When Aled Jones decided to record a Christmas album he was determined it should celebrate every faith to try to unite all the world's religions after a difficult and challenging year.But now the 40th album of the Walking in the Air singer has become embroiled in a legal battle with the Jehovah's Witnesses who claim sales should be halted because the inclusion of one of its "unauthorised" songs "breaches" copyright.Lawyers for the church have filed legal papers in New York accusing the singer and BMG Rights Management of failing to get permission to use 'Listen, Obey and Be Blessed'.They say featuring it on a Christmas album is "hypocritical" because Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas and it causes them "to be viewed in a significantly negative light" by its believers around the world."
Bonkers? Sure. Harmless? Definitely not." ... The notion of shape-shifting, blood-sucking reptilian humanoids invading Earth to control the human race sounds like a cheesy sci-fi plot. But it's actually a very old trope with disturbing links to anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic hostilities dating to the 19th century.Bonkers? Sure. Harmless? Definitely not.Law enforcement sources say Warner's writings indicate his interest in a number of conspiracy theories — including the lizard people takeover. He may even have had a pastime of hunting such aliens in the park. Before the blast, Warner sent packages to friends filled with material expounding on his bizarre worldview. They included a letter that began "Hey Dude, You will never believe what I found in the park."The world-ruled-by-lizard-people fantasy shot to prominence in recent years in part through the ramblings of David Icke, a popular British sports reporter-turned-conspiracy theorist known for his eccentric ideas.Icke would have you believe that a race of reptilian beings not only invaded Earth, but that it also created a genetically modified lizard-human hybrid race called the "Babylonian Brotherhood," which, he maintains, is busy plotting a worldwide fascist state. This sinister cabal of global reptilian elites boasts a membership list including former President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Mick Jagger."
" ... As pastors leave en mass and former members continue to come forward with abuse allegations against megachurch Hillsong, co-founder Bobbie Houston's 2003 audiobook, "Kingdom Women Love Sex," has come under fresh scrutiny, as have her and the church's allegedly entrenched sexist and homophobic beliefs.In the unearthed sex advice guide, Houston also invokes a slur against the developmentally disabled in describing how women should be physically fit to attract men."If I carry weight I feel like a r – – ard," she said in regard to her own ideals regarding the ideal weight and fitness."How are you going to do anything to surprise your man when you need a hydraulic crane just to turn over in bed?" the Pentecostal pastor, 63, asks on the three-CD box set."
Results of investigation expected to tell how 9,000 children died in 18 institutions between 1922 and 1998."The grim history of a network of religious institutions in Ireland that abused and shamed unmarried mothers and their children for much of the 20th century is to be laid bare.A judicial commission of investigation into Ireland's mother and baby homes has documented shocking death rates and callousness in institutions that doubled as orphanages and adoption agencies.The mother and baby homes commission is to share a 3,000-page report with survivors of the system on Tuesday. Its five-year investigation was prompted by the discovery of a mass grave of babies and children in Tuam, County Galway.The taoiseach, Michéal Martin, is to give a formal state apology in the Dáil on Wednesday. Martin, who has read the report, reportedly found the contents shocking and difficult to read.It estimates 9,000 children died in 18 institutions between 1922 and 1998 when the last such home closed, according to a leak published in the Sunday Independent. The infant mortality rate is said to have been double the national rate, underlining the impact of neglect, malnutrition and disease.Another source of anger for survivors is the policy of the religious organisations – and the state – to impede them from tracing each other. Ireland denies adopted people the legal right to their own information and files. The report is understood to chronicle many of the lies and obfuscations of priests, nuns and officials."
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