Jun 27, 2022

CultNEWS101 Articles: 6/27/2022

" ... Read the "literature" about Shoemaker (Leaving Nityananda, Richard Read's pieces in the Oregonian, testimonials of abuse).

Over and over, he tells his victims, "if you leave me. you will go crazy, be in a mental institution, and never stop the cycle of death and rebirth….. again, classic traumatizing narcissistic cult leader behavior.

That is why so many cult members can't leave, can't denounce their leader. They are terrified of what will happen to them on "the outside". So they stay and accept more and more abuse.
Keep in mind that many "students" of Shoemaker's have been taken out of his "ashrams" feet first!"

Rachel Bernstein: 
Join Rachel on Zoom, Sunday, July 17th at 3:00 PM PST to hear about her new 3-part webinar series. 
Rachel Bernstein, Educator, Therapist, Cult Specialist and Host of the IndoctriNation Podcast, will be announcing two 3-part live webinars.   

Each session in the series will be one-hour long:  *45 minute presentation *15 minutes for Q&A.  

The 1st 3-part webinar series will provide techniques for support, recovery, and healing for people who were in cults, or manipulative relationships.  

The 2nd 3-part webinar series will be for the families and friends of those who have loved ones affected by cults and manipulative relationships who want to know what to do and how to help, and who need support for themselves, as well.  

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3678063940 Meeting ID: 367 806 3940 

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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.

Please forward articles that you think we should add to cultintervention@gmail.com.

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