Jun 10, 2024

Doctrine of Signatures, Biosphere 2, cave art, and the “Pa” cult.

Doctrine of Signatures, Biosphere 2, cave art, and the “Pa” cult.

Joseph Szimhart

June 8, 2024

​The Doctrine of Signatures or magical correspondences or sympathetic magic has informed the way humans think, heal, and experience the environment since prehistoric times. Simply put, if a flower looks like an eye, use it to make a tincture for eye disease. Use liverwort, with liver-shaped leaves, to treat the liver. Yes, it is not only fake medicine, it can kill you.

I look at the emergence of prehistoric cave art, the Biosphere 2 “cult” debacle in the early 1990s, and a small cult run by Fred Saylor or “Pa” decades ago. Saylor used the Doctrine of Signatures to peddle bogus remedies internationally.


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