Jun 21, 2024

Training and Education of Healthcare Professionals on How to Support a Client After Religious Disaffiliation

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For more information about the conference, and to view the agenda, please visit https://www.icsahome.com/events/conferenceannual

Session Abstract: Religious disaffiliation, leaving a religious community, may lead to a life crisis that is difficult to endure. The results of my dissertation show that clients in this life situation do not receive the support and understanding within health care, which they would need. Also, health care professionals express a need for more education on religious disaffiliation and other related topics. The results of our studies show that both general knowledge about religiosity and spirituality as well as more specific knowledge about religious disaffiliation are needed within health care. Training and education of health care professionals is essential, as knowledge and information increase understanding and competence. Training could involve the following topics: the impact of religious disaffiliation on clients’ lives and mental health, clients with different religious backgrounds and affiliations in health care and information on how to bring up and deal with religious questions. These topics should be included in the basic education of health care professionals, as well as in continuing education. Training and education are needed to decrease the fear to discuss religious matters that some health care professionals may have. There is also a need for health care professionals who are specialized in religious and spiritual subjects and have special competence when it comes to clients who experience challenges because of their religion or religious affiliation. In order to promote clients’ mental health and recovery, further research is needed on recommendations and practical tools that health care professionals can use in their work with clients in this context.

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