ExtinctionRebellion, Jehovah's Witnesses, Transcendental Meditation
" ... XR's actions have been applauded by many environmentalists, who say the only way to make governments, people and corporations sit up and take climate action is to shock them into it. But the radical philosophy underpinning the group, which includes wanting to set up citizens' assemblies that could overrule parliament, is drawing increasing criticism from foes, who compare the group to a millenarian sect. m
"The cultish nature of XR's activities is a little spooky," said Austin Williams, director of the Future Cities Project, a group that focuses on urban planning and futurist technological solutions.Sympathizers acknowledge that XR hasn't helped itself with some of the remarks made by its leaders. Co-founder Gail Bradbrook said her realization that humanity was on the brink of extinction came from taking huge doses of psychedelic drugs, which 'rewired" her brain and gave her the "codes of social change.'"XR has also seen defections. Sherrie Yeomans, coordinator of XR blockades in the English city of Bristol, left the group, saying, "I can no longer surround myself with the toxic, manipulative Extinction Rebellion cult."" ... Johan Norberg, a Swedish author, historian and XR critic, worries that the group is fueling anxiety while not being practical about the possible solutions to global warming."I guess it depends on your definition of cult," he said. "But I think it is a growing, but very radical, sentiment that I fear plays a part in giving people anxiety about their life choices, and also leads us to thinking about these things in the wrong way," he told VOA."
The Boston Globe: Losing my religion
"The first couple years after I left the religion I was born into — the Jehovah's Witnesses — I was still worried I might die at Armageddon. That was the punishment for those who left. Actually, it was the fate of anyone who wasn't a Jehovah's Witness. Any day now, God would kill all non-believers, and the faithful would live in paradise on Earth.Some of the Witnesses' beliefs didn't stand up to scrutiny when I began to have doubts in my 30s. I had come to understand that, contrary to what I had been taught, the Witnesses didn't have "the Truth." But what if they were partially right, I still wondered. What if they were right about the end of the world?My first boyfriend outside the faith listened patiently one day when I told him of my fears. I realized I might sound crazy, but I had to tell someone. He didn't laugh. He opened up his computer and googled "cult survivors."That seemed a little drastic. But then again, I was talking about Doomsday.Over the course of a long winter in an unheated loft in Brooklyn (the place I had moved to after leaving my missionary post in China), we worked our way through blurred '70s footage of Jonestown survivors (which was the first search result returned). As the snow got deeper and the room colder, we progressed down the YouTube sidebar to interviews with other escapees of controlling religious groups across the spectrum. From the crazy to the more moderate, there was one common thread: They all sounded like I did."
"Yogic Flying was introduced in 1976 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the world's foremost scientist of consciousness, who has brought to light the knowledge of India's ancient Vedic tradition. Yogic Flying is a natural extension of the Transcendental Meditation program, which Maharishi introduced in the mid-1950s and which has become the most widely practiced and thoroughly researched program of self-development in the world.Yogic Flyers use a simple, natural technique that has its origin in the oldest continuous tradition of knowledge on earth, the ancient Vedic tradition of India — specifically, a branch of the ancient Vedic Literature known as the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali. These students are actually rising up into the air in a series of blissful hops."
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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.
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