CBS Sacramento: Sacramento Attorney: Militia Groups Are Against The Law, But Rarely Prosecuted In California
" ... California state law prohibits people from training to be part of a militia group, even on private property.
In Lodi, the FBI recently uncovered what they describe as a training camp to engage in civil disorders. They said it belonged to Benjamin Hung, who was arrested for driving his truck through a group of peaceful protestors back in May.
FBI records claimed he was associated with several militias and far-right extremist groups.
"Taking the law into your own hands is something that we can't encourage or allow or not prosecute when you do that," Reichel said.
Under California State law, being part of a private militia is a crime punishable by up to one year in county jail."
Detroit News: Mysterious Wolverine Watchmen militia group 'flew under radar'
"Extremism experts say they had never heard of the Wolverine Watchmen until members of the militia group were accused Thursday of a conspiracy to overthrow the government as part of plans to kidnap the governor.There was no apparent trace online Thursday of the Wolverine Watchmen, although federal prosecutors said the group's members planned the alleged crime over several months by communicating via a private Facebook page and in encrypted group chats.The Wolverine Watchmen "flew under the radar," said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University."
" ... After Catherine Oxenberg confronted her daughter about her concerns in June 2017, she was dismissed and India Oxenberg returned to Albany, which was where she was living to be a part of the central hub of NXIVM. The interview Catherine Oxenberg granted Amer and Noujaim shortly after that event turned into a year of their cameras capturing her plight. "They just never left the house," she says. Her story begins in the fourth episode of "The Vow," and it includes discussions with Parlato, as well as concerns that the New York Times is sitting on the story too long because they considered it "evergreen."But, India Oxenberg's story is not captured within "The Vow." This is because Catherine Oxenberg made the deliberate decision to separate from Amer and Noujaim after Mack and Raniere were arrested in 2018."She finally reached out to me," Oxenberg says of her daughter. "And I knew at the point, given how much mistrust they had planted in her against me and what they had done to her as far as alienating her from me, that I could not afford to have cameras around; she would have never agreed to even meet with me."It has now been another two years since that initial rekindling of their mother-daughter relationship. In 2019, Catherine Oxenberg's story was dramatized for an original TV movie on Lifetime. Though Raniere and Mack have yet to be sentenced, Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman recently received just under seven years in prison for her involvement with NXIVM."
"Currently imprisoned on convictions for sex trafficking, forced labor, and extortion, NXIVM founder Keith Raniere's deep-seated misogyny is not news. Still, Episode 8 of HBO's The Vow reveals how Raniere's ideas penetrated and influenced the greater community and curriculum of NXIVM even beyond DOS, the secret women's society where women were starved, punished, and branded. Footage in this week's episode shows Raniere's slower, more subtle methods of molding NXIVM's female members into subordinates—it's a deeply troubling hour of television that illustrates just how profoundly and systemically Raniere's desire to manipulate women runs.After the crumbling of his illegal pyramid scheme Consumers' Buyline in 1996, Raniere founded self-help organization NXIVM in 1998. HBO's 9-part documentary illustrates how Raniere, who was called "Vanguard" within NXIVM, amassed a large following and a harem of women for himself in Clifton Park, NY over the years. Armed with a god complex and pseudo-science, Raniere's foundational Executive Success Programs sprawled many subgroups over time, such as the men's only group called Society of Protectors, women's only group called Jness, and eventually DOS, the secret women's group that would domino the entire organization in 2017."
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