"The WMSCOG (the mother god cult) is a group that has a record of splitting up families and disrupting relationships. Jordan shares some encouragement for those of you who have experienced losing a friend or family member to this group and also some tips on how to talk with them."
" ... A robust body of literature exists for child abuse as a betrayal trauma, with a long-term sequela of consequences for victims, while being a significant social and public health concern. Less widely known are the impacts of clergy sexual abuse as a betrayal trauma and a unique spiritual wound. Betrayal trauma theory and institutional betrayal is explored in relation to clergy sexual abuse in the context of American religious landscape. Institutional betrayal is postulated to be an exacerbator of betrayal trauma for clergy sexual abuse victims. Individual and institutional factors for religious betrayal trauma and institutional betrayal are discussed. Recommendations for individual and institutional change and a call for courage on both fronts are made."
The vulnerable woman lost £100,000 to the criminal who's now on the run"A Derby woman says her life has been "devastated" by being scammed by a faith healer.The woman from Chellaston, who has asked not to be named, says she was targeted by a manipulative fraudster when she was at her most vulnerable.The 53-year-old had contacted a man who claimed he could help with her husband's serious medical conditions through rituals and black magic. Among the services he offered was crocodile sacrifice that he claimed would help solve his victim's problems.Instead, he turned out to be Abdoulie Gassama, a con artist who scammed her out of more than £100,000 of life savings, leaving her financially ruined in just four months."
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