Richard Crane Obituary
Mandeville - Richard Crane rung down the curtain and left his earthly body on April 7, 2024 at his home in Mandeville, LA. He was 77, and the son of George and Bette Halleck Crane, who returned to New Orleans after World War II with a desire to start a family. When Bette had trouble getting pregnant, she prayed to St. Jude and shortly conceived the embryo that would emerge into the world as Richard. Bette always said she prayed to the Patron Saint of Impossible Cases and got one.
Richard was a seeker from a young age. At thirteen, he spent two years in a Benedictine seminary studying for the priesthood. Then, while in law school, he became a devotee of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who personally trained him to teach Transcendental Meditation. Richard taught many people TM and he remained a devoted follower of Maharishi and a TM practitioner until his death.
During law school, Richard was appointed LSU's first Ombudsman, a position he held for two years during which he was at the forefront of many exciting and controversial causes on behalf of student rights. When he graduated in 1971, he was met with the usual parental questions of the era: "When are you going to get your haircut" and "Why don't you have a job." Rather than going to work for a fat cat law firm, Richard joined VISTA-Volunteers in Service to America-the domestic version of the Peace Corp. In VISTA, he organized a food cooperative called "The Food Conspiracy," to provide food to poor hippies and others at below grocery store prices.
In 1973, while studying with Maharishi in Spain, Richard was tracked down by Elayn Hunt and asked to become counsel to the Louisiana Department of Corrections. Eight years later, Louisiana elected a Republican governor and Richard was shown the door. But he used his experience and contacts to become nationally known in corrections, sentencing, and post-conviction law. His practice was interesting and unusual. He had numerous famous and infamous clients, including James Brown, the Godfather of Soul; reputed Mafia godfather Vincent "the Chin" Gigante; Edwin Edwards, four-term Louisiana governor; and Fate Thomas, long-time Nashville sheriff.
Richard lived in Nashville from 1985 until 2013 when he retired and moved home to Louisiana. From then until his death, Richard wrote what he liked to call "Pre-Need Obituaries". It was a fascinating hobby and he met a lot of interesting folks who desired to save their families the ordeal of preparing an obit while grieving their loss. Who knows, maybe he even wrote this one.
Many say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Yet in retirement Richard learned to play duplicate bridge. He was just good enough so as not to embarrass himself, most of the time.
Richard suffered more than his share of physical and mental pain, but mostly handled it stoically by reminding himself that the more bad karma he worked out in this life, the less he would face in the next. He also focused on his good fortune, especially that which brought his wife, Eileen, into his life 27 years ago. Without a doubt, she was the greatest gift of his lifetime! Richard is also survived by his son, Matthew, his biological daughter, Carmella Guiol, and his grandsons, Avery, Mistral and Rio.
Richard was unfortunately known for his temper but was admired for his efforts to deal with it and his readiness to make amends. Richard was a good attorney, but he wanted his epitaph to read: "you never would have guessed he was a lawyer."
There will be no viewing because there is nothing to see-he left his body to the LSU Medical School. Who knows what they can do with that worn out shell.
A private going away party in his honor will be held in a few weeks (contact Eileen for details.) His cremains will eventually be buried on the grounds of St. Joseph Abbey in St. Benedict, LA. Donations to the Abbey in Richard's memory will be greatly appreciated.
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