"Once dismissed as just another set of wacky conspiracy theories from the internet, the phenomenon known as QAnon has grown into a malignant force, infecting minds with dangerous fictions and amassing real power. What is this movement trying to achieve, and what happens next?Thursday, August 5 at 7pm ET, on the next Skeptical Inquirer Presents live online event, journalist Mike Rothschild will untangle the many threads of myth and misinformation that make up QAnon ideology and why it's outrageous beliefs are no laughing matter."
"Joseph Moore breathed heavily, his face slick with nervous sweat. He held a cellphone with a photo of a man splayed on the floor."" ... It was 11:30 a.m. on March 19, 2015, and the klansmen were celebrating what they thought was a successful murder in Florida.But the FBI had gotten wind of the murder plot. A confidential informant had infiltrated the group, and his recordings provide a rare, detailed look at the inner workings of a modern klan cell and a domestic terrorism probe.That investigation would unearth another secret: An unknown number of klansmen were working inside the Florida Department of Corrections, with significant power over inmates, Black and white."
"Andrea and Michael teamed up to create a code of ethics for acting classes with one goal in mind: to create a safe and healthy environment for actors and acting students. After experiencing the unhealthy and cult-like culture fostered within many acting classes where sexual, financial, and psychological abuse were the norm, they created Find Your Acting Class and wrote a code of conduct for acting teachers to agree to and endorse, as well as guidelines to help teachers ensure that they are running their classes ethically."
"New religious movements or cults are found around the world and throughout history. The word cult conjures images of brainwashing, abuse and violence, although many of these groups can be fairly benign. What is a cult?
"Defining 'cult' is a tough one because the word has so many different definitions," said Rob Balch, a retired sociology professor from the University of Montana in Missoula.
Balch began researching cults in the 1970s and has done in-depth case studies of groups like Heaven's Gate."
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