"A woman whose followers are convinced she's the current Queen of Canada waging a secret war against the elites pumped $50K into her campaign to raise money for wildfire victims.
The followers of a woman they believe to be the execution-happy secret Queen of Canada have donated over $50,000 to her campaign for wildfire victims.Romana Didulo, the woman at the centre of a QAnon-adjacent conspiracy that revolves around her being secretly put in control of Canada by Donald Trump, has raised $54,040 of her $25,000,000 goal. The campaign only lists Didulo and does not indicate where exactly the money would be going.Instead, it simply says, "Hi, I am Queen Romana of Canada. I am Fundraising to build Homes for Families in BC, Canada who lost their Homes to BC wildfire."Didulo also made a video to confirm to her audience she's not receiving money. "It's not being used for other reasons, OK," she said in the video. "And no, our Telegram account has not been hacked."A spokesperson for GoFundMe initially told VICE World News they were reviewing the campaign and had frozen the funds. Following the publication of the article, GoFundMe deleted the campaign."The fundraiser has been removed from the platform because it violated GoFundMe Terms of Service, and all donors will be fully refunded," a spokesperson said. "The organizer has also been banned from using the GoFundMe platform for any future fundraisers."Didulo was thrust into prominence in the spring by several well-known QAnon figures who "confirmed" her status as Queen of Canada. They believe she is fighting a secret war against a pedophilic cabal currently controlling the country. She has a small but active fanbase, which has spent considerable time sending out cease and desist notices to businesses and people telling them to stop following all COVID-19 regulations or else they're contravening her rule; she's implied that those who break her law will be executed. (This reporter has received one of these cease and desist letters.)"
Since 2017, 14 Jehovah's Witnesses have been sentenced to 6 or more years of prison in Russia, where they are considered an extremist group."Three Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia were convicted and sentenced to prison for practicing their faith on Thursday (July 29). Vilen Avanesov, 68, was sentenced to six years, and his son Arsen Avanesov, 37, along with a third defendant, Aleksandr Parkov, 53, were both sentenced to six-and-a-half years. All three men have already spent more than two years in pretrial detention."These men should never, ever have had to spend a minute in prison, and yet they've been locked up for two years," said Rachel Denber, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Europe and Central Asia division. "It is never too late for Russian authorities to stop these arrests, release Jehovah's witnesses who are behind bars, stop these criminal proceedings, and quash the convictions that have already taken place."The three Jehovah's Witnesses were detained in Rostov-on-Don in May 2019 and accused of continuing the operations of a Jehovah's Witness organization that had been liquidated. All three were charged with organizing extremist activities. In January 2020, Arsen Avanesov was also accused of "financing extremist activities" by collecting donations to rent a room to meet with other Jehovah's Witnesses. Their trial was held at the Leninskiy District Court of Rostov-on-Don."
"A gripping chronicle of psychological manipulation and abuse at a "therapeutic" boarding school for troubled teens, and how one young woman fought to heal in the aftermath."
Christian Headlines: Director and Dean of Zacharias Institute Resign to 'Deeply Grieve the Suffering'
"On Wednesday, two top officials announced that they will resign from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) following the sex abuse scandal that rocked the ministry earlier this year with its late founder and apologist Ravi Zacharias.Vince and Joanna Vitale, who respectively serve as the director and dean of the Zacharias Institute, posted a joint statement to Facebook on Wednesday that they will be resigning from RZIM next week.The couple shared that after the interim report of the investigation into RZIM was released last December, they had been convicted in a personal way ..."" ... Another conviction, which they believe to be their "most pressing," was RZIM's
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