"The remains of 10 Branch Davidians who died during the deadly raid and siege at Mount Carmel 28 years ago have been relocated to Rosemound Cemetery after relatives arranged to have them disinterred from pauper's graves at a county-owned cemetery three blocks away.The deceased include some of those closest to self-styled prophet David Koresh, including his wife, father-in-law, brother-in-law and at least two sons.The remains were reinterred two weeks ago at the city of Waco's Rosemound Cemetery in a private ceremony. The exhumations were requested by Samuel N. Jones, the son of Perry Jones, a top Koresh lieutenant who was believed to have been among the first killed during the federal raid on the compound Feb. 28, 1993."
Australian Government: Evolution Supplements Australia and its Director penalised total of $12 million for advertising illegal sports supplements
"The Federal Court of Australia has ordered Evolution Supplements Australia Pty Ltd to pay $11 million for unlawfully advertising a range of unapproved sports supplement products, including references to steroids, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and pre-workout products containing DMAA and other amphetamine derivatives, in breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.The Court also ordered Mr Cumhur Keskin, the Director of Evolution Supplements, to pay $1 million in penalties for failing to comply with an advertising direction issued by the TGA and failing to prevent Evolution Supplements' breaches of the Act.These penalties are the largest ever imposed by the Federal Court in relation to contraventions of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth).This decision follows the Court's finding earlier this year that Evolution Supplements and Mr Keskin unlawfully advertised prescription-only substances, products containing prohibited (Schedule 10) substances and medicines that had not been listed or registered by the TGA.Mr Keskin also failed to comply with a TGA direction to stop advertising. Evolution Supplements tried to conceal its unlawful advertising by telling the TGA that it had taken the advertising down, but then continued to advertise some of its most dangerous products outside ordinary business hours."The substantial penalties imposed by the Court reflect the very real dangers to public safety from Evolution Supplements' conduct," TGA head Adjunct Professor John Skerritt said.'The penalties imposed against Evolution Supplements and Mr Keskin send a strong message to businesses and their senior officers that there are significant consequences for unlawfully advertising dangerous sports supplements'."
"Farber, Harlow, & West (1957) coined the term "DDD syndrome" to describe the essence of Korean war thought reform with prisoners of war: debility, dependency, and dread. Lifton (1961), who also studied thought reform employed in Chinese universities, demonstrated that the process did not require physical debilitation. Contemporary cultic groups, which do not have the power of the state at their disposal, have more in common with this brand of thought reform than with the POW variety, in that they rarely employ physical coercion. In order to control targets, they must rely on subterfuge and natural areas of overlap between themselves and prospects. As with all Korean era thought reform programs (those directed at civilians and at prisoners), however, contemporary cultic groups induce dependent states to gain control over recruits and employ psychological (sometimes physical) punishment ("dread") to maintain control. The process, in my view, can be briefly described by a modified "DDD syndrome": deception, dependency, and dread."
" ... In a sentencing memo, Salzman's attorneys wrote that her mother, Nancy, introduced her to Raniere and NXIVM, something Nancy Salzman now says is one of the most regrettable things she has done. Nancy Salzman is scheduled to be sentenced in September, after pleading guilty to charges including racketeering conspiracy.In addition to the probation and community service, Lauren Salzman must forfeit more than $500,000 seized from a home in Waterford, along with one property in Clifton Park, and three others on New Karner Road in Colonie, where NXIVM's headquarters were housed.
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