'Religion is not something you expect to be popular on social media.'
"Jesseca Reddell, 32, left the Pentecostal church she grew up in about 10 years ago. As part of her departure, she began researching the belief system she had left behind.
"When I was in the church, I was very into apologetics," said Reddell in a phone interview with Religion News Service. As she left the church, she began a sort of reverse apologetics, working to dismantle the system of beliefs she had learned. She was deconstructing."
Marin Independent Journal: The potential downside of mindfulness meditation
" ... But in reality, there's good reason to doubt that mindfulness, as practiced in the U.S., would automatically lead to good outcomes.In fact, it may do the opposite.That's because it's been taken out of its context. Mindfulness developed as a part of Buddhism, where it's intimately tied up with Buddhist spiritual teachings and morality. Mindfulness in the U.S., on the other hand, is often taught and practiced in purely secular terms. It's frequently offered simply as a tool for focusing attention and improving well-being, a conception of mindfulness some critics have referred to as 'McMindfulness.'"
"The Vice TV doc "Crusaders" examines a secret database of thousands of Jehovah's Witness child-sex offenders that's been assembled by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society""Years after the Catholic Church was found to have systematically harbored and protected child-sex abusers while punishing victims for seeking justice for their horrific ordeals, a new feature-length Vice TV documentary sets its sights on the Jehovah's Witnesses.Aaron Kaufman's film Crusaders—released as part of Vice TV's "Vice Versa" nonfiction series—eviscerates the Jehovah's Witness faith in which he was raised, giving a public platform for former members to speak out about the scourge of pedophilia within the church, and about the elders who are committed to keeping it a secret.Premiering on Vice TV on July 28, Crusaders builds upon Douglas Quenqua's 2019 Atlantic article about a secret database of thousands of Jehovah's Witness child-sex offenders that's been assembled, and concealed from prying eyes, by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the nonprofit organization that governs the church. This damning list of molesters was created on March 14, 1997, when—in response to prior whistleblower complaints—a questionnaire was sent to all 10,000 nationwide congregations asking members if they suspected any fellow Witnesses of being a pedophilic predator. The church received information on many monsters in its midst, although the precise number of names remains unknown."
"She was a key aide to guru Keith Raniere and had been looking at a possible prison term.A federal judge sentenced Lauren Salzman, a high-ranking leader of an upstate New York sex cult, to five years of probation on Wednesday, following her "extraordinary" assistance to prosecutors.The loyal follower and inner-circle confidante of NXIVM (pronounced "nexium") founder Keith Raniere had been looking at a prison term of seven to nine years."
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