"QAnon's days as a solely U.S. phenomenon are over. The conspiracy theory's foothold in Japan -- home to one of its most active networks outside the U.S. -- demonstrates how the movement can be made palatable in a range of countries as it gains popularity from Europe to Brazil. Research by social media analytics firm Graphika Inc. shows the Japan-based QAnon community is among the most developed"
"Behind closed doors a so-called "orgasm cult" was even wilder and more bizarre than its reputation.Now, former employees of OneTaste are speaking out about the action on the group's communal properties in California.It was founded in 2004 by Nicole Daedone and focuses on the practise of what's called "orgasmic meditation."OneTaste claimed that orgasmic meditation improved women's sex lives and allowed them to "reclaim their sexuality." Daedone even proclaimed it would be as popular as yoga some day.What it involves is a woman naked from the waist down and having her clitoris stroked by a man, either her partner or another customer. But there was a cost, mostly financial."
"Violent white supremacist groups have formed a connected global movement that rose before Donald Trump's presidency and threatens to continue long after he leaves office.These white supremacist groups have used the Internet to recruit and train followers, much as Islamist extremists did a decade ago, argues a major new study by Jigsaw, a research arm of Google. The study, described here for the first time, is being published Tuesday by Jigsaw's digital journal, the Current.The study shatters the image that many analysts have of white supremacist attackers as "lone wolf" extremists. Jared Cohen, the chief executive of Jigsaw, argues that 'this myth obscures the vast underlying infrastructure of white supremacist online communities around the world.'"
Students were put at risk of harm as a result of serious safeguarding failures
"Trustees of a British charity founded by a disgraced Buddhist guru failed to act on "serious physical, sexual and emotional abuse", the watchdog has ruled."
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