"Eritrea has released 28 members of the Jehovah's Witnesses group after they served prison terms of up to 26 years, the Christian denomination said in a statement seen by Reuters on Monday.In 1994 Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki signed a decree revoking citizenship for members of the group for reasons including their conscientious objection to military service. Eritrea has maintained conscription for more than 20 years.Since that decree, Jehovah's Witnesses members have been subjected to detentions, torture and harassment in Eritrea, in part to compel them to renounce their faith, according to the group and international human rights organisations.In its statement, the Jehovah's Witnesses said 28 of its members incarcerated in Eritrea were freed on Dec. 4 after serving sentences of ranging from five to 26 years. Another 24 remain in prison, it said."
"Homeschooling will be banned for all children in France from the age of three as President Emmanuel Macron presses ahead with plans to clamp down on radical Islam. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, a hardline conservative who Mr Macron appointed in July to head his security push, said the aim was to save "these children who are outside the scope of the republic". He was referring to the several thousand children, and especially girls, who are educated at home by fundamentalist families and disappear off the radar of the education system. About 50,000 children receive home education in France out of 12 million pupils. A draft law to curb the spread of a radical "separatist" culture in France's big Muslim population will receive cabinet endorsement this week. However, the homeschooling ban may be struck out of the law as unconstitutional when it is examined by the state Constitutional Council, the government has been warned. All children in France will have to attend recognised schools once they turn three and will be recorded with individual identification numbers in the education system."
"We meet in a group for a presentation and group discussion.
A one-to-one introductory meeting is required for anyone who would like to attend the group sessions.Support Group booking/donations via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/the-family-survival-trust-18774911807
"A paedophile cult leader known as Little Pebble is quietly hopeful a court will allow him to return to his "holy land" on the NSW South Coast in the coming weeks, sources say.William Costellia-Kamm branched off from the Catholic church in the 1980s to start his own sect at a Nowra property where he claimed the Holy Virgin Mary appeared to him each and every day in the expanse of bush land.The self-proclaimed leader of the Order of Saint Charbel called himself 'Little Pebble' and - at the cult's zenith - claimed to have half a million followers across the globe.But in the mid-1990s the shepherd began preying on his own sheep. A teenage acolyte would write letters to the Virgin Mary and Little Pebble would pretend to receive the responses, documents before the NSW Supreme Court say."(Kamm's) responses were directed to persuading the victim to do things which would satisfy his sexual desire for her," court documents say.The girl's devoted mother was supportive of Kamm's abuse of the underage girl, the documents say.The cult leader was sentenced in 2005 and again in 2007 for abusing the teenager and another girl who he claimed was a "princess" who would become a "queen" in the cult through his abuse."
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