ICSA Annual Conference: Clinical/Therapeutic Assessment of Former Cult Members - What are other Clinician's Using in Therapy?
June 25, 2022
4:00 pm-4:50 pm
When clients/patients who have been former cult members come in for therapy, clinicians, such as counselors, social workers, and psychologists, usually assess clients utilizing psychological tests and psycho-social interviews. Clinicians utilize these tests and assessments to identify problems and issues such as trauma, depression, suicidal ideation, etc. Clinicians use the information gathered to have a baseline from which they can start therapy, plan interventions, evaluate and diagnose the client, and measure client progress during therapy. However, clinicians may not have a clear understanding of the psychological and clinical assessments/ tests that may be most appropriate when working with former cult members. Based on a research survey of 112 licensed clinicians working with former cult members (2019), the presenter will discuss the psychological assessments/tests, including psycho-social interviews, most used by ICSA clinicians/counselors. The presenter will also discuss several other assessments that have been developed by ICSA Counselors, Psychologists and Researchers, such as The Spiritual Abuse Scale (Keller, 2015), Psychological Abuse in Manipulative Groups (Almendros et al, 2011) and the Group Psychological Abuse Scale (Chambers et al, 1994). Case studies will also be utilized in discussing when different tests/assessments might be more appropriate. Participants, after leaving the session, should have a better understanding of what is available to them when working with former cult members, and which tests/assessments might be more appropriate for which clients.
Cyndi H. Matthews (Speaker) The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Associate Professor of Counseling
Cyndi Matthews, PhD, LPC-S, NCC is an experienced Counseling Clinician (17 yrs) working in Private Practice and as an Associate Professor in the counseling program at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She has earned a PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education, a Masters in Counseling, and a Master's in Business - Organizational Behavior. Her passion for social justice and advocacy is exemplified in her counseling practice and current research, both of which focus on effective counseling interventions for marginalized populations, such as cult survivors, domestic violence survivors, and LGBTQ+ populations. Based on her scholarship and clinical expertise she has researched and developed theory for counseling with former second and multiple-generation adult cult recovery survivors. Email: cyndersm@verizon.net Phone: (469) 316-7290
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