CorePower Yoga, Bikram Choudhury, Bikram Yoga, Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, White Supremacist, Pizzagate, Swami Nithyananda, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), Abuse-child, Abuse-Trafficking, religious extremists, faith healing
Washington Post: CorePower Yoga founder found dead at home under ‘suspicious circumstances,’ police say
"Trevor Tice, the founder of a rapidly expanding company that has been dubbed “the Starbucks of yoga,” was found dead inside his San Diego home Monday, and police are investigating “suspicious circumstances” surrounding his death."
"Indian American yoga guru Bikram Choudhury and one of his former female students have settled a sexual harassment lawsuit, in which the victim alleged her teacher made unwanted sexual advances toward her."
Kahn said after being a member of the Church for 40 years, she was the victim of “disconnection,” a practice previously defined in the series as cutting off “all contact with someone critical of the Church of Scientology.”Kahn left the Church in 2013 and has not seen her Scientologist son, Sammy, in three years. Her experience compelled her to issue a warning to those contemplating the religion saying they might face the same fate.
SOFREP NEWS: A doomsday cult responsible for terrorist attacks in the 90’s is growing in Russia and Europe
"In April of this year, Russian police raided twenty-five homes and shrines in St. Petersburg and Moscow that were tied to
Aum Shinrikyo, a doomsday cult originated in Japan. Ten were arrested for their ties to the cult, which has been banned in Russia despite having an estimated 30,000 active members within the sprawling nation."In Japan the groups strict religious rules disallowed sleeping for more than four hours per night, eating very much, and near constant doses of LSD, which they made themselves on the compound. It is estimated that within the Aum ranks, over eighty people died in various industrial accidents or as a result of torture and punishment at the Tokyo headquarters.
“We’re now fighting to prevent white supremacist gangs from infesting our neighborhoods, and they bring with them, of course, this toxic mix of violence and crime and hate.”
New York Magazine: To Understand Pizzagate, It Helps to Understand Cults
In terms of the social and psychological dynamics underpinning this type of behavior it’s also useful to look into some research about how people join cults and become violent religious extremists.
"The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay the trial court proceedings against Swami Nithyananda in a six-year-old rape case."
Cranbrook Townsman: Child trafficking trial a lead up to polygamy charges
During the child trafficking trial, former members of the
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) took the witness stand to testify about their experiences growing up in the community and the expected role of women.
News24: Life sentence for faith healer
FAITH healer Mzokhona Sibisi was found guilty of sexually violating and murdering a 12-year-old Pietermaritzburg girl in 2012, was sentenced to life plus seven years’ imprisonment.
Business Insider: How Scientology costs members up to millions of dollars, according to Leah Remini's show
“There is no other religion that I know of that requires two and a half hours of your day, a quarter of a million dollars minimum, and at least 40 years of your life,” host and former Scientologist Leah Remini said.Remini claims she spent "millions" during her 35 years with the church.
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Patrick Ryan (pryan19147@gmail.com)
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