Aug 27, 2017

Recovery Weekend Workshop - Regaining Freedom of Mind October, 2017 - Sydney, NSW

CIFS is a non-profit association, founded in 1996 by a small group of parents whose children were recruited into cults.

Regaining Freedom of Mind
October, 2017 - Sydney, NSW

CIFS Weekend Recovery Workshop for Former Group Members
When: Weekend Saturday & Sunday, 14th & 15th of October
Where: Newtown, Sydney

The workshop weekend will follow the Colorado Model developed by the International Cultic Studies Association. This is a comprehensive program of topics that has been used successfully in similar workshops for 18 years.

Cost: Registration: $150 (early bird price $120 before 20th September)
Accommodation: Travellers can book a room to stay overnight.

Further info: Click here

Contact: for more details.

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