Sep 23, 2019

Talk: How to Understand a Person's Involvement in a Cultic Group or Relationship

Talk: How to Understand a Person's Involvement in a Cultic Group or Relationship
ICSA Event: Sexual Abuse of Children and Adults in Religious Organizations

When: November 1, 2019 (11:30 – 1:00)
This session will provide an overview of cult involvement, especially for those who still have loved ones in a group. Subjects to be explored include: 

  • The concept “cult”
  • Why do people become members of cultic groups?
  • Why do they stay in cultic groups?
  • Why do they leave cultic groups?
  • What recovery issues do people confront after they leave cultic groups

The conference will take place at La Fonda on the Plaza, one of Santa Fe's finest hotels, located in the heart of the old city.

Santa Fe, New Mexico November 1-2, 2019

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