Jun 8, 2020

Australia’s drug regulator launches court action against church touting bleach as Covid-19 cure

Australia’s drug regulator launches court action against church touting bleach as Covid-19 cure
Melissa Davey
May 30, 2020 
The Guardian

"Group’s US arm wrote to Trump peddling ‘wonderful detox’ to ‘rid the body’ of coronavirus

Australia’s drug regulator has started court proceedings against a “healing church” that promoted a solution containing industrial bleach as a cure for coronavirus, after the church failed to remove advertisements promoting the product from its website.

In May the Therapeutic Goods Administration fined the Australian chapter of the ​​Genesis II Church of Health and Healing more than $150,000 for selling and promoting the solution containing sodium chlorite, a chemical used as a textile bleaching agent and disinfectant. The product is named Miracle Mineral Supplement and Miracle Mineral Solution on the church’s MMS Australia website, which claimed it could prevent and treat a range of diseases including Covid-19. The TGA said the company had breached multiple advertising laws.

At the time, the TGA also informed MMS Australia that it must also immediately remove all advertisements in breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, and warned that court action might be started if the advertisements were not removed within two days. But MMS Australia did not remove the ads. Instead, it updated the website to say those seeking miracle cures should also 'pray to The Lord for healing and guidance'."
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