Jun 10, 2020

CultNEWS101 Articles: 5/9/2020

Kenja, Legal, Australia, Taipan, Scientology, Covid-19, Ervil LeBaron 

The Sydney Morning Herald: Widow of 'cult leader' loses case against NSW Police over his suicide
"The co-founder of a Sydney "sect" has lost her court case against NSW Police over an allegation her "cult leader" partner took his own life because officers maliciously sent him a letter which caused psychological harm.

Janice Rita Hamilton, 71, co-founded personal development organisation Kenja with her de facto partner Ken Dyers in 1982. The group has been branded a cult, which its members deny.

In 2007, Mr Dyers was yet to face trial on 22 offences, relating to alleged assaults on two underage girls during Kenja counselling sessions, when a third complainant came forward.

The girl had previously denied being abused, but approached police after she left Kenja. She alleged Mr Dyers told her when she was about 12 or 13 she had "sexual degradation in her energy field" and she would be a "psychic slut" if he did not clear a spirit from her by touching her while she was naked.

Police sent a letter to Mr Dyers' lawyer in July 2007 requesting an interview, which was conveyed to him over the phone. The 85-year-old took his own life a short time later.

Ms Hamilton sued the State of NSW in the Supreme Court in 2013, alleging two detectives who investigated Mr Dyers were motivated by malice, did not carry out the investigation impartially, and were guilty of misfeasance in public office.

The claim against one of the officers was abandoned during the case after she gave evidence which showed a "lack of ... knowledge" about the letter.

Ms Hamilton sought aggravated damages and costs for psychological injuries, including post-traumatic stress disorder after witnessing Mr Dyers' suicide.

On Friday, Justice Michael Walton said Ms Hamilton's claim failed because the court was not satisfied "to the requisite standard" that the remaining officer sent the letter "with an intention to cause harm".

Justice Walton said in a lengthy judgment that Ms Hamilton also failed to show that the sending of the letter was the act that caused harm."

" ... James Gino Salerno was last year sentenced to 10 years' jail with a non-parole period of eight years for abusing the girl over a two-and-a-half-year period while the cult resided at a mansion at Aldgate.

He was found guilty at trial of eight counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a child.

But the 73-year-old — known as Taipan by his followers — appealed against his conviction in the Court of Criminal Appeal, which today overturned his conviction and ordered a retrial.

He was then released on bail.

The reasons for allowing Salerno's appeal are yet to be made public.

After the sentence was handed down, the victim — who cannot be identified for legal reasons — told the ABC she felt "justice has been served"."

" ... Here was Mike's [Rinder]
cutting insight of what these views mean for Scientology…

This is exactly the sort of situation they so often crow about "solving." And they also claim they are "creating a new civilization" and "clearing the planet." Repeatedly. This is an "Ideal Org" and there is another one in Harlem. Where's the new civilization? There's also an Ideal Org in Minneapolis (actually St. Paul) too that has been "changing civilization." There are half dozen in the LA area. And Atlanta. And so on. Of course, they will change their tune right now — instead of boasting about how they are bringing peace and a new civilization, the unrest will be used for money-grubbing. 'Look at the state of civilization the psychiatrists have created, we need money to fight them.''

" ... Polygamous doctor Rulon Allred's 1977 murder was found to be one of several hits ordered by fanatical cult leader Ervil LeBaron.

The 1977 murder of a small-town doctor in Utah pulled back a veil on a bloody conflict between Mormon polygamist factions that stretched all the way to Chihuahua, Mexico.

Dr. Rulon Allred had a small practice in the town of Murray, multiple wives, and 48 children. On May 10, 1977, two young women in wigs and disguises strode into his clinic and shot him to death in one of his examination rooms, according to "Deadly Cults" on Oxygen.

Authorities guessed the murder might be connected to Allred's faith because of a series of threatening pamphlets making the rounds from the Church of the Lamb of God, an extreme offshoot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Repent or be destroyed," one of them read.

The church was headed by Ervil LeBaron, who believed himself to be a prophet, and was based in Chihuahua, Mexico. Authorities weren't familiar with Ervil, but once they started looking into the murder, they uncovered a startling history of violence, former Salt Lake District Attorney David Yocom told "Deadly Cults."

Ervil's brother, Joel, was the leader of the sect, but they clashed over differing visions for their family in 1970, according to BBC. In retaliation, Ervil plotted Joel's murder, Ruth Wariner LeBaron told producers.

Ruth was the 39th of Joel's 42 children and recalled the impoverished living at "Colonia LeBaron." Every member of the sect was taught that it was noble to struggle. "They believe that they're suffering for the greater good and that will help them get to heaven later," Ruth said.

Ervil took some of the family's followers with him when Joel kicked him out, according to Ruth, and he constantly wrote revelations and preached that Joel was a false prophet. And in 1972, several of Ervil's followers carried out their leader's wishes, luring Joel to a house, beating him, and shooting him to death.

But Joel's murder was far from the end of violence committed on behalf of Ervil's fanaticism."

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