Jun 10, 2020

CultNEWS101 Articles: 6/10/2020

Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, JonXArmy, Conspiracy Theories, Male Domestic Violence, Research, Yoga, Greek Orthodox

The Guardian: Australia's drug regulator launches court action against church touting bleach as Covid-19 cure

"Group's US arm wrote to Trump peddling 'wonderful detox' to 'rid the body' of coronavirusAustralia's drug regulator has started court proceedings against a "healing church" that promoted a solution containing industrial bleach as a cure for coronavirus, after the church failed to remove advertisements promoting the product from its website.
In May the Therapeutic Goods Administration fined the Australian chapter of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing more than $150,000 for selling and promoting the solution containing sodium chlorite, a chemical used as a textile bleaching agent and disinfectant. The product is named Miracle Mineral Supplement and Miracle Mineral Solution on the church's MMS Australia website, which claimed it could prevent and treat a range of diseases including Covid-19. The TGA said the company had breached multiple advertising laws.
At the time, the TGA also informed MMS Australia that it must also immediately remove all advertisements in breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, and warned that court action might be started if the advertisements were not removed within two days. But MMS Australia did not remove the ads. Instead, it updated the website to say those seeking miracle cures should also 'pray to The Lord for healing and guidance'."

SFIST: Conspiracy Theorists Now Promoting Rumor That George Floyd Didn't Die On YouTube and Twitter

"It's been a week since a Minneapolis police officer was seen on video pressing his knee into the neck of an unarmed black man who subsequently died. And it didn't even take that long, as the nation's cities were plunged into chaos in the last several days amid vociferous protests, for the conspiracy theories to take hold on social media.
Jon Miller of the JonXArmy channel on YouTube posted a 22-minute video on Friday suggesting that George Floyd's death was faked. As the New York Times reports, that video was subsequently shared around 100 times, mostly in QAnon lunatic groups, reaching some 1.3 million people.
Also, the phrase "George Floyd is not dead" was spreading on Twitter over the weekend and reportedly peaked on Monday morning, with 15 separate mentions in a 10-minute span.
Zignal Labs, which tracks online activity and has done so during other times of protest around the globe, finds that the protests stemming from George Floyd's death have already far surpassed the online-mention activity than did the Yellow Vest movement in France or the Hong Kong protests last year, with 8.8 million mentions as of Friday."

The Office of National Statistics shows that one in three victims of domestic abuse is male.  There is also a growing body of evidence that shows that women perpetrate partner violence at similar rates to men.  Despite this, there are relatively few studies examining the experiences of male victims.  This survey aims to evaluate the experiences of partner violence for male victims.

What will I be asked to do?

Your participation is important as you have been in a relationship where there has been the presence of partner abuse/coercive control. If you wish to proceed, you will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 30 - 45 mins.  The survey includes questions regarding you and your experience within the abusive relationship.  It also includes psychological scales to measure; the behaviour within the abusive relationship, post-traumatic stress symptoms, types of coping and post-traumatic growth.

"Downward dog, sun salutations and all other yoga practices are "absolutely incompatible" with the Christian faith, the powerful Greek Orthodox Church has said.

Yoga has no place "in the life of Christians," the governing body of the Church has ruled.

It said it intervened after Greek media recommended yoga as a way to combat stress during coronavirus quarantine.

Other religions have also advised against the practice in the past.

The Orthodox Church is an influential organisation in Greece, and 90% of Greeks identify as Orthodox, according to a 2017 Pew Research Centre report.

"[Yoga] is a fundamental chapter in Hindu religion... it is not a 'kind of physical exercise'," the Holy Synod said in its statement on Wednesday.

Although it is not unheard of for religious authorities to criticise yoga, correspondents say it is unusual for the Orthodox Holy Synod to issue a public statement on the matter.

Appearing on a Greek TV network on Thursday, an Orthodox priest defended the Synod's statement.

The church's opposition is based on the "experience of those who practised yoga", Father Michael Konstantinidis said, explaining that "if yoga offered what man wanted, we would be happy".

The ancient spiritual practice has connections to Hinduism and Buddhism. It is referenced in Indian texts from 2,500 years ago and has evolved over time, according to Dr Mark Singleton, who has researched the history of yoga."

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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.

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