" ... Canadian author Mary Jayne Blackmore recently published her memoir, a story that recounts lessons she learned about feminism from her polygamist grandmothers. The book is featured on a St. George bookstore website and will host a virtual event April 17.In an email to St. George News, Blackmore described her book, "Balancing Bountiful," as a story about both the light and darkness of growing up in a Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints community in Bountiful, British Columbia."It's about overcoming the adversity I faced in my life, and how it made me the strong woman I am today," she wrote."
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1 comment:
"Religious trauma, like sexual trauma, is not new. "It's as old as religion,"
Williamson and others like her caught in these terribly compromising positions and faced with further degradation if they stay rooted in these church/cult/s
Special care needs to be given both psychological and emotional to victims leaving and the hope of normalcy restored until they can heal.
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