"'She only lets us sleep four hours, we have to wake up at 5AM.'Amy Carlson leads a group called Love Has Won. The web-savvy New Age outfit uses daily livestreams to recruit followers from around the world to join their house in Colorado.While her followers believe she is a divine being, the group is facing accusations that it is a cult. Former members are alleging stories of abuse, fraud and brainwashing.We hear from members and former members of the group to try and get to the bottom of it."
" ...The Age and Herald investigation, which is based on dozens of financial reports, indicates the Church of Scientology Australia – where it enjoys possibly its strongest legal protections anywhere in the world – made net profits of $65.4 million between 2013 and 2019. That is despite a sharply falling number of adherents.Figures for Australia show Scientology's assets rose from $60.1 million in 2013 to $172.4 million in 2019, which included the building of its "Ideal Advanced Organisation" centre for the Asia Pacific in Chatswood, Sydney."
" ... In 2008, former Hillsong pastor and band member Michael Guglielmucci admitted to faking a cancer diagnosis to distract from his addiction to pornography after an Adelaide newspaper revealed he'd been lying about the state of his health for years, according to the New York Post. During his tenure at the church, Guglielmucci was reportedly known for regularly performing his hit song "Healer" with an oxygen tube affixed to his nose, and was reportedly believed to have received donations to help pay for his treatments. After the newspaper's discovery, the pastor released a brief statement claiming his illnesses were real, but tied to an unholy lifestyle rather than cancer as he previously claimed. "As a result of this secret life of sin, my body would often break down," he said. "I'd report the cause of my symptoms simply as illnesses and I've thrown my life into a ministry for many years trying to compensate for my sin…. Two years ago, I reported that I was suffering from cancer, the truth is that although I was ill I did not have cancer but was again using the misdiagnosis to hide the lie that I was living." He ultimately admitted to being addicted to pornography for over 16 years and using the cancer hoax as a distraction.Now, 13 years on, Guglielmucci and his wife, Amanda, who together go by "Team Gug," per the Post, have found a new calling from God, registering their charity, Lighthouse City Mission Incorporated. According to the filing, the charity's goal is to help financially disadvantaged people, people with chronic illness and disabilities, people suffering from unemployment, homelessness, and victims of crime, as well as the "general community in Australia." The Lighthouse City Mission's Instagram account bio further specifies, 'Our mission is to provide food, clothing and a community of support for people who need it in the Port Adelaide area.'"
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