"The Queen of Heaven shall not surround herself with bad familiars. As the spouse of Gabriel, God's messenger, she had to live among the reincarnations of holy spirits. Lia Eden distributed this honorable title with divine impunity.Her eldest son was dubbed the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The novelist Danarto, a prominent member of her group, was called the reincarnation of the Buddha, while his wife was called the reincarnation of the Goddess Kwan Im. But what if someone is married to another who is not the reincarnation of their divine spouse from their past life?This was the conundrum facing Tri Sugiati, a successful statistician who worked for a government agency. Known to her friends as an intellectual with a burning desire for spiritual renewal, she joined Lia Eden's religious movement and quickly became a devoted follower.To Lia, Sugiati was the reincarnation of Khadijah, the prophet Muhammad's first wife. Meanwhile, Abdul Rachman, a former student activist and Lia's right-hand man, was the prophet Muhammad reincarnate. The only issue was that Sugiati was married with children. "So, Mother Lia told her to divorce her husband and get married to Abdul instead," recalled Syaefudin Simon, a journalist who was a member of Lia's community from 1997 to 2002. "The crazy thing is, she did it."Sugiati is far from alone. "This sort of incident happens all the time," Simon said ruefully. "Families were torn apart, livelihoods ruined and parents abandoned their children. But what can you do? Gabriel commands it through Mother Lia. So they shall obey."As she asserted control within her organization, Lia and her disciples began building a more public profile. Her strange rituals, characteristic white robe and assertion that she was Gabriel's earthly vessel attracted ridicule and indignation. Salamullah, her religious movement, moved away from the fringe and into the mainstream discourse."
"Ex-members offer a rare look at the organization's multiple studios and allege that Scientology used the audition process to recruit outside actors: 'It's an in-house film and no one's going to see it.'"
"Yitzchak Kaplan, a bus driver near Jerusalem, flew to New York from Israel in mid-March, hoping to bring home a third teenage daughter who's become a follower of charismatic Hasidic rabbi, Yoel Roth.Kaplan's son, Moshe, said two of his older sisters had already married into Rabbi Roth's Breslev sect."We have two sisters here, and now, this is the third," Moshe Kaplan told PIX11 News. "We have two sisters in this cult!"We asked Moshe Kaplan why he called the rabbi's group a cult."All the decisions, from all the people in this community here, he makes all the decisions," Kaplan alleged outside the rabbi's Skillman Street base in Williamsburg, shortly after a wedding was held under a chuppah on the sidewalk.Moshe Kaplan said the third sister, 17, had recently arrived in New York and was engaged to one of Roth's followers.Rabbi Roth oversees a school on Skillman Street called Yeshiva Tiferes Hatorah and leads the Breslev Center, tweeting videos with daily inspirations.But a recent complaint about a 15-year-old bride allegedly marrying a 21-year-old groom spurred the NYPD and Administration for Children's Services to take a look at Roth's religious organization."
" ... Utah is a hub for troubled youth facilities that have had little oversight from government officials until recently. People who attended these facilities are increasingly bringing their experiences to light, especially since Paris Hilton shared her own experiences from her time at the Provo Canyon School.The troubled youth facilities where the three DSU employees previously worked include Red Rock Canyon School, Casa by the Sea, Sequel's Lava Heights Academy, and Diamond Ranch Academy.Red Rock Canyon School and Casa by the Sea were shut down and investigated regarding allegations of physical and sexual assault against minors. Sequel, a for-profit company that oversees a variety of youth facilities in Utah and the country at large, has also been the subject of several scandals. Diamond Ranch Academy has seen lawsuits citing abuse of minors, including a 2017 case where a therapist was accused of sexual assault against a minor.A TikTok video created by Jessica Fuller, who attended Lava Heights Academy, to help her search for potential abuse survivors mentions former DSU employees Brian Pace and Dace Goulding regarding Pace's time as executive director at Red Rock Canyon School and Goulding's time as program director at Casa By the Sea. The video also mentions assistant psychology professor Nathan Meng regarding his time as a therapist at Lava Heights Academy, Diamond Ranch Academy, and Aspen Achievement Academy."
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