Apr 5, 2016

Growing up in the Norwegian Brothers: "That whole 'warm blanket' of faith is a big play in my eyes."


March 29, 2016

"As a young girl I literally thought that Jesus as a cloud looking down at me, and would come and get me if I was naughty."

The newspapers were full of it the past week: the investigation service FIOD has one of the leaders of the Orthodox Christian faith community Norwegian Brothers in Netherlands arrested in an investigation into the embezzlement of about 8 million.

The man is also suspected of fraud and money laundering except for embezzlement. He might be an ex-detective from the FIOD. His girlfriend is suspected of involvement in money laundering.

Vivienne is a freelance journalist, mother and initiator of BLOOM! The online spot for women in the prime of their lives.Honest, humorous and not too obsessed with cellulite or a wrinkle here and there.That's BLOOM!


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