" ... KCRW's Jonathan Bastian talks with Ben Zeller, Associate Professor of Religion at Lake Forest College and author of "Heaven's Gate: America's UFO Religion," about the characteristics of cults and cult leaders and their utopian impulses to make a better world."
A new documentary, The Beatles and India, directed by Ajoy Bose and Peter Compton, to have its India premiere at the Kolkata International Film Festival, traces the time Beatles came to India and the cultural assimilation that followed.It was hard to miss women swooning, screaming, chasing them down the streets, and the monstrous sums of money that surrounded The Beatles in the '60s, both in the UK and the Western world. Amid the pandemonium, the four Liverpudlians with mop tops, kingpins of modern pop, turned East for peace. And almost 50 years ago, they arrived at the foot of the Himalayas, in Rishikesh, where, in the February of 1968, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram welcomed its most celebrated visitors.
"Charisma might be one factor that differentiates so-called "successful" psychopaths from their unsuccessful counterparts, according to new research published in the Journal of Research in Personality.
"Successful psychopathy is a highly controversial subject because psychopathic personality traits are related to concepts such as interpersonal manipulation, antisocial behavior, and criminality — which are hardly thought to be characteristic of success," said study author Emma-Clementine O. Welsh, a PhD student at The State University of New York at Binghamton.
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