Apr 3, 2016

Exit Sweden

Exit is a project within the non-profit organization Fryshuset. Our aim is to help and provide support to those who wish to leave a nationalistic/racist/nazi oriented groups and movements.

What we do:

We provide hands-on support for persons wanting to leave a neo nazi or racist environment by cooperating with various housing corporations, the police, social services, legal system and also with the client’s own family and friends. The support that Exit offer is naturally always depending on our client’s individual wishes and needs.

We aim to prevent recruitment to such groups. The preventative work is mainly focused on information towards and dialog with Swedish schools and governmental authorities. We also hope to contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms behind involvement in racist groups. This we do by giving lectures, seminars and workshops on our empirics and other experiences.

We educate and help professionals, organisations and others working with people wanting to leave nationalistic/white power/nazi oriented groups.

Those who leave a neo nazi movement often share similar difficulties. Therefore Exit assist the government, municipalities, schools and other non-profit organisations in understanding our target group’s premises and particular needs so that they may offer the help that is required.

Last but not least, Exit offer counseling to parents, siblings, partners and others that are close to our client.


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