Feb 23, 2016

Nicaragua-Mechapa. Sentenced to 6 years in prison for trafficking of migrant leaders of religious-apocalyptic sect "Mystical Body of Christ." The group refused medical care to children and infants. 

Three passions, simple but irresistible, have governed my life: the thirst for love, the search for knowledge and a poignant pity for the suffering of mankind
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" South Africa Eastern Cape. Police free 18 children from a religious sectCommunity-sets the Forteto. Regional Commission of Inquiry bis listen Antonio Di Pietro, but does not remember ... / The President of the Commission "back to emerge Florentine level to ascertain the truth obstacle" »
Nicaragua-Mechapa. Sentenced to 6 years in prison for trafficking of migrant leaders of religious-apocalyptic sect "Mystical Body of Christ." The group refused medical care to children and infants. 

February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016
The leader of the religious sect.
The leader of the religious sect.

Last October was also attended by Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua to decide the fate of a religious sect  Mechapa installed in the community,(Chinandega), who refused to provide medical care to children. Thanks to an important task of the state police hundreds of affiliated organization, including many children and infants, had been evacuated and freed.

The adepts, about 600, were convinced by their imminent arrival of the end of the world religious leaders and their "kidnapping" in heaven and some had even sold all their assets to contribute to the community costs.

The coordinator of the Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Rosario Murillo, had intervened publicly to explain that the case was followed by the Ministry of the Family, the Ministry of Health and investigated by the national police, in view of the presence of more than  312 children, children and infants  that They were in a precarious condition.

Among the members of the sect were people coming from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, as well as Nicaraguans, and the police captain, Victoriano Ruiz Urbina, head of the intervention and investigation, had suggested be  a huge case of trafficking and smuggling human beings .

NICARAGUA. National Police free hundreds of people enmeshed in a messianic sect. Waiting, every other day, the end of the world and the "heavenly rapture." Concern for the more than 312 children and infants placed in the group

https://favisonlus.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/chiamato-in-causa-il-presidente-del-nicaragua-per-decidere-sulle-sorti-della-setta-religiosa-che-rifiuta-di-provvedere-le-necessarie-cure-mediche-ai-bambini/ )

Today, the eight leaders of the sect called the Mystical Body of Christ ( Místico Cuerpo de Cristo ) and earlier, but Free Prisoners of Christ ( Libres but prisioneros de Cristo ), were sentenced to five years in prison for illegal trafficking of migrants , to 6 months for the construction of structures in forbidden areas and to other six months for putting people in danger.

As a corollary, Judge Irma Cruz Laguna, ruled that those convicted must pay a fine equivalent to 500 days of minimum wage in the manufacturing sector.

News comes from an article in signing Ernesto García  for EL NUEVO DIARIO



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