Jan 24, 2017

CultNEWS101 Articles: 1/25/2017

cult news
Scientology, Warren Jeffs, FLDS, Polygamy, Clergy Sex Abuse, Catholic Church, Homeopathy, Psychic, Legal, Japan, New Zealand, Northern Ireland 

A  bitter dispute between the Church of Scientology and villagers in West Sussex has broken out over a car park that was built over an area of outstanding natural beauty without planning permission.
Decker admitted that she and Jeffs “never consummated their marriage,” in all the years that they were together.

“All I knew about him is, he is mean. He is not nice,” Decker said about Jeffs. “I could sense he was crazy.”
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich says that for Mormon women living in 19th century Utah, "plural marriages" were empowering in complicated ways.

The court filing says that SNAP claims nonprofit, tax exempt status as an organization with the purpose of providing "support for men & women who have been sexually victimized by members of the clergy" and that its "mission is to meet the needs of membership through moral support, information & advocacy," it is in fact "a commercial operation motivated by its directors' and officers' personal and ideological animus against the Catholic Church."
Junk science from two of homeopathy’s biggest apologists help Hyland’s defeat a class action lawsuit for consumer false advertising claims, and nixed refunds for ineffective homeopathic remedies.
fortune teller in Japan
A fortune teller in Japan has been ordered to pay $850,000 (£691,000) in damages to a female client she had forced into prostitution, reports say.

The victim was reportedly made to believe that she was in debt to the clairvoyant and could repay that debt only by becoming a sex worker.

The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (HIA) was set up in 2012 to look into allegations of child abuse in 22 children’s homes and other residential institutions between 1922 to 1995.
Former Catholic priest Gerard Ridsdale has faced court via video link from prison charged with numerous historical sexual abuse offences against 11 alleged victims.

The 82-year-old is facing 36 charges including rape, buggery, indecent assault and assault.
The  Church of Scientology opened its new multi-million dollar Auckland base on Saturday - but they weren't keen to show it off to the media.

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