January 19, 2017
Brenda Thornlow, author of 'My Short-Lived Life at Being Perfect', has been named as a winner in the '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' Book Awards Contest. Her honors came as a result of her appearance on The Authors Show. Brenda was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process. 'My Short-Lived Life at Being Perfect' is a memoir, detailing her escape from a religious cult and an abusive marriage.
Brenda shares her story of being raised a third-generation member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, forbidden from celebrating holidays, birthdays and associating with anyone outside of her faith. From a young age, she struggles to accept what her devout family believes, to no avail. Eventually marrying an abusive member with a position of authority in her church, Brenda struggles to extricate herself from this dominating religious group who attempt to manipulate her into staying married to her abuser.
"I am so grateful to all my readers for, not only taking an interest in my work, but for also believing in me and choosing to vote for me out of hundreds of other writers. Thank you so much for this honor."
Brenda is the author of five published books:
'My Life as I Knew It' (fiction/fantasy) - The first book in a time travel series. Brianna one morning wakes up on her birthday to find that she has traveled 17 years back in time and 3,000 miles away from her home. Brianna is now faced with returning to a life she hoped to never have to think about again, much less relive.
'Life, As Is' (fiction/fantasy) - The second book in my time travel series. Brianna travels forward in time to discover that she has been living the life of someone she does not recognize nor admire.
'A Godless Love' (erotica) - A married couple who live an unconventional life and are members of a controlling religious group have their private lives invaded and dissected by their church.
'My Short-Lived Life at Being Perfect' (memoir) - Brenda's story about escaping a religious cult and abusive marriage.
'The Revolving Door: A Short Story' (fiction/short story) - A story about four people living in New York and the complications within their relationships.
Currently, she working on the third book in her time travel series titled 'Life Reversed' as well as a stand-alone romance novel titled 'The Rest of Me.'
'My Short-Lived Life at Being Perfect' has received rave reviews. A recent Amazon review stated, "For those of us who have suffered abuse, a voice that eloquently expresses what it feels like when our nearest and dearest fail us. A must read for all." Another said, "Very interesting look into a highly religious sect. It gives an outsider a view of how restrictive the JW lifestyle is and how difficult it is to be an individual or break away from the group. Kudos to Brenda for being able to do both and having the strength to write about her struggles. A highly recommended read."
Brenda Thornlow is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at bk42author@gmail.com. All of her books are available at online retail book outlets. More information is available at Brenda's website at https://mylifeasiknewitblog.wordpress.com.
Brenda Thornlow is an author from the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, New York. She is the author of five published books including the 'My Life as I Knew It' time travel series and her most recent work, her memoir 'My Short-Lived Life at Being Perfect'. Currently, she working on the third book in her time travel series titled 'Life Reversed' as well as a stand-alone romance novel titled 'The Rest of Me'.
When she is not writing, Brenda does administrative temp work around Manhattan and also volunteers as a foster parent for a local animal rescue organization. She resides in Bay Ridge with her husband, George and their four fur babies: two dogs, Norman and Emma and two cats, Astor and Cody.
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