Nov 19, 2015

Special Event on psychological issues affecting former and current members of the Jehovah's Witnesses

The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is considering a one or two-day special event on psychological issues affecting former and current members of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

The tentative target date is late March or early April 2016.

The location will be Philadelphia.  

In order to plan this event effectively, we are asking the ICSA network for ideas about topics and possible speakers. 

We are purposely structuring this survey so that the responses are open, for we do not want to "force-choice" you into our preconceived notions.

Please understand that we will receive many suggestions and that some of these will be contradictory.  Hence, it is impossible for us to heed all of your suggestions.  However, we will seriously study the responses that you provide.

Thank you.

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