Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church

by Kirsti L. Nevalainen
January 18, 2010
"Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, has declared himself as the Messiah and Lord of the Second Advent. He claims he has come as the Messiah at the end of the world as the Bible prophesied. He saves fallen satanic people by removing the original sin from them through The Blessing of Marriage ceremony. The Blessing of Marriage ceremony of the Unification Church is directly derivative from the pigarum or yongch’e ceremony of Korean messianic groups from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. A pigarum ceremony means ‘change of blood lineage’ and a yongch’e ceremony means ‘receiving a new spiritual body’. A male spiritual leader united sexually with his female disciples and a female spiritual leader had ritual sex with her male followers. The Unification Church practiced the pigarum or yongch’e ceremony from the 1940s until 1962 when The Holy Wine Ceremony and The Three Day Ceremony replaced this original sexual ritual. Both of these ceremonies are integral parts of The Blessing of Marriage."
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