Feb 15, 2018

KSU students, Twitter express concern over religious group touting ‘God the Mother’

God the Mother
Lucas Misera and Lydia Taylor
February 12, 2018

KentWired received complaints of men and women approaching students on campus and at off-campus apartments talking about “God the Mother.”

A few students who reside at University Townhomes said two people — one man and one woman — talked about redemption, asked for contact information and then offered to meet at an off-campus location.

“It was a guy and a girl, and they said that they were theology students and asked if I had two minutes to watch a video about God the Mother,” said Delaney Honchalk, a junior nursing major. “I said no and shut the door and watched them. They knocked on our neighbors’ door, too, but no one answered them.”

Rumors around social media have associated the group with sex trafficking. Those going around talking about “God the Mother” are believed to be a part of World Mission Society Church of God, a church based out of New Jersey.

Despite rumors, Tricia Knoles, the community resource officer for the Kent State Police Department, said students are not at risk.

“We researched and looked into this group and (from) everything (we’ve) seen, it lacks credibility of any human trafficking ties,” Knoles said.

One source said the two women she encountered suggested they meet at Hunters Lake, perhaps in reference to an apartment complex on Hunters Lake Drive in Cuyahoga Falls.

Another source said one man and one woman offered to grab coffee off-campus later in the day.

These reports are similar to other university campuses, including Vanderbilt University and Kennesaw State University.

In December 2017, women in Lexington, Kentucky, reported people from the church walked up to them in stores and asked to join their bible study, but didn’t reveal details such as location or time.

TV2 reached out to the church’s headquarters, but they were not available for comment.

Knoles said despite this current situation, students should always take safety precautions.

“Always be aware of your surroundings (and) walk in groups. Anytime you are asked to come — whether it be to a bible study or just going over to someone’s house — just be cautious,” Knoles said.

Lydia Taylor is the editor. Contact her at ltaylo49@kent.edu.
Lucas Misera is the managing editor. Contact him at lmisera@kent.edu.

Gretchen Lasso contributed to this article. Contact her at glasso@kent.edu.


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